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Morning all. Let me apologise for being so quiet lately, as I've said before I inevitably get to the point with a video when I can't think about anything else, and just for a change this video's got completely out of control.

What was going to be a quick Top 10 Ninja Movies has grown into a lengthy retrospective of the 1980s ninja craze. The deeper I dug, the more the ninjas kept paying off, so I did a poll on Twitter to see whether a retrospective or a top 10 sounded more interesting. The plan was to bring the results here and talk about which to do... but they were so one-sided I thought I'd just get on with the retrospective. It should be done in a couple of weeks, barring the unexpected.

Incidentally I've recently recorded commentaries on the first two American Ninja movies with YouTuber Oliver Harper. We've done a few commentaries for his channel lately (including AvP and the imminent AvP Requiem, if you want to hear me moan for 90s minutes) but the American Ninjas are definitely the best.


Thanks as always, 



Nick Thornley

Great news! I'd take one of your retrospectives over most anything on YouTube... looking forward to it.

M Robert

your material is worth the wait