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I wanted to let you know the martial arts movies video I've been working on has become a ninja movies video. There was just too much to cover and it meant leaving out some amazing movies. Even after limiting it to ninjas I still have more top notch material to work with than for perhaps any other video (and of course it means I can also do kung fu, kickboxing, etc. videos one day). If you aren't a ninja fan I hope you aren't put off, because it should be cracking... I'm really quite excited. I'm also harvesting Namsploitation movies at the moment, and they'll likely be the subject of the next Borrowing Blockbusters.

I've made 'uncut' versions of the last few videos for Patreon, which basically means I'm able to avoid bleeping and blurring and can include a few things I'd otherwise have to leave out. I'm going to double down on that and do longer versions of each video for Patreon, not just more 'extreme' cuts (my videos will never be properly extreme, but what YouTube now considers inappropriate is so tame it can impact the whole structure and approach to a subject). So, going forward, there will be two versions of a 'creator cut' exclusive to Patreon (one uncensored, one with bleeps and blurs for a wider audience) and a shorter version of the video on YouTube.

Thanks for the support, I'll be back with ninjas as soon as possible!



Reed Little

Oh man, Nammsploitation. A deep exploration about the affects of late-stage capitalism and how all authoritarian regimes are eventually forced to changed to worker-exploiting manufacturing economies in order to maintain the steady flow of cash that their county requires despite their iron clad protestations of allegiance to Marxist ideals? I'm not really seeing it, but if anyone can make it funny, it's you!

The Thinking Cat...Former Cthulhu Pofit Neo Normie and Masked fat guy but now a Cat ??

Rob you must include this as it is discribed as the Most Turkish Fight of all time I'm not even sure I know what movie it's from but the guy fighting Cüneyt Arkın is actually a faux martial artist who was exposed by James Randi a kind BS artist who found he could blow air to make things move claiming it was Telekinesis, James Alan Hydrick was the guy's name I think the Randi exposure is still on YouTube but this card board sword fight with high kicking action is quite impressive as Arkin was a pretty athletic guy who mainly did his own stunts even though he looked like a Bank Manager. https://youtu.be/jhzuKyHwceU?si=XvmmbGTLnU5S83Kk