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Good afternoon! You may be aware I've been having trouble with YouTube, which demonetised my channel the other day. I've just found out my appeal was successful (indescribable relief!), though the process left some big videos outside the necessary criteria for monetisation. I at least have the chance to bleep and blur them into legitimacy. 

Anyway, as a result of this scare I'm removing all the older videos from the BMB channel to clean it up, and uploading them to the channel I use to host Patreon exclusive videos. This will take a few days and in the mean time they may not be accessible. This doesn't affect any of the videos in which I talk (can't think how else to distinguish them), it's only 'BMB v1.0' videos: mainly 'movies in a minute' and random stuff like lockdown quizzes, early voiceover-free Top 10s, Steven Seagal hit jobs and so on. Basically most of the videos that pre-date the start of Borrowing Blockbusters will become Patreon only.

Just wanted to let you know!




George Leroy Tirebiter

This one is going to have me searching down a lot of films... Other than the more common titles, I hadn't heard of many of these movies...let alone seen them. Wasn't a Hair-Metal fan as an 80's teen...so wasn't too interested in the genre back then. I've got some catching up to do... GREAT VIDEO....caused me go for full Breen! Thanks again Rob, can't remember when I enjoyed coming across anyone's work in this "field" as much as yours!