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Part one of a three-part series on the best worst Alien-inspired B movies! Part two (Alien in the 1990s and Beyond) should be up on Friday, and Part three (Aliens) next week… if you can handle more than two hours of rip-off Ripleys and Failien impregnations.

This Patreon cut of the video is hosted on a backup ‘adult’ YouTube premium channel; that way I’m apparently allowed to feature swearing, gore and nudity. There are several unknowns involved so please let me know if you have any issues watching (if YT’s added adverts, demanding an additional login etc.).

Hope you enjoy, and thanks for the continued support!

EDIT: While editing this video for the YouTube 'clean' version I made some very minor changes to meet ad break targets, and wanted to go back and do the same thing to this uncut Patreon version. They're not significant: an additional shot or two in Xtro and 2016, the removal of a line of voiceover I didn't like, and a clip of Bruce Willis I realised I'd overused. I've also added a promo for upcoming documentary Aliens Expanded to the end credits, and changed the colour of the thumbnail to be more distinct from the 90s Alien video. Absolutely no point in rewatching just for these changes, they're virtually imperceptible, but I couldn't help making them and wanted to point it out!


Borrowing Blockbusters: Alien 80s

Updated Patreon Cut.



That was great! Looking forward to the next two!

Tarami Bedona

How did I miss this for two days? Either way, HORRAY!