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Just wanted to let you know the documentary's going well; I feel like it's better and more polished than my previous similar efforts. It's also such a fun story that (hopefully) you won't need to have seen the movie to appreciate it. With any luck I'll be finished and posting it on Patreon at the end of next week.




Rough Cut of Intro to Samurai Cop Doc


The Thinking Cat...Former Cthulhu Pofit Neo Normie and Masked fat guy but now a Cat ??

My favourite thing about Samurai Cop is the hair thing with the lead thinking production had ended had a haircut only to have to come back and wear the most unconvincing weave there's also a rumour that there was going to be a helicopter chase near the end which explains why there's scenes on a farm linking to the mansion with the swimming pool, it might just BS but I remember reading about it when everyone was laughing about it on SomethingAwefuls bad movie page

George Leroy Tirebiter

The funny thing about "Samurai Cops" completely inept structure is that the spoiler is in the middle of the movie...and most people never notice. The scene of Joe talking to Frank in the police station where he "reassured" the helicopter pilot she was still his "#1"....is Joe talking about what happens at the end of the movie.