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Next Up

Thanks for all the feedback on Indy, I just wanted to say that next up is The Story Behind... Samurai Cop! I want to do something I can turn around much more quickly than a Borrowing Blockbusters and I've already written the first draft of the script and gathered the media. Just waiting on replies to questions I've posed Matt Hannon and a few others so I can fill in the odd gap. It should be up here in about three weeks, or sooner if editing goes well.

I know there are a couple of other 'making ofs' on YouTube, but they really just recycle information from the commentaries and I wanted to go deeper (which might have been a mistake, I don't advise a marathon of Amir Shervan's early Iranian movies. It turns out nobody needs to go that deep.)


I've also been writing entries for an Evil Dead Borrowing Blockbusters. That will be for Halloween, so there'll be other videos before, including at least one additional Borrowing Blockbusters. For Evil Dead I want to be a bit stricter with what I call a knock off and try to keep it to 45 minutes for the Patreon cut. Slowly learning to make better use of time!


I'm also hoping to have a commentary on Ninja III: The Domination up next week. It features myself and good friend Timon Singh, who's the founder and operator of The Bristol Bad Film Club in addition to being co-writer and co-producer of documentaries In Search of The Last Action Heroes and Here Comes a New Challenger.

Cult of VHS

And lastly, I've also just filmed an interview for a followup to the thoroughly lovely documentary 'Cult of VHS', directed by Rob Preciado. It's a really great project and worth supporting on Kickstarter, if that's something you might be interested in:


All the best,