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We're about 2/3rds of the way through the production of Spelling BEE, and it's looking to be our biggest animation yet! (Yay! But also, crap...). As you can see, there are many characters and three voices to juggle, but in general it's all coming along pretty well.

We've got a few preview images, and I think this story is going to be a bit of fun. Certainly so far, thar be jiggling.

When sourcing it, Lady Grove described the above video as hypnotic, I agree.

Anyway, lots left to be done, so better get back to it!




Looking forward to this one!


same here im looking forward to this one too


Very close to release now (just a few last fixes being rendered). I'm pretty happy with this one, I think it'll hit a few key "notes" so to speak.