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When I first set up this patron page in 2016 I dreamed (but never believed) I would get to a point where it could be my full time job. But you amazing people hit that goal and kept on going, which led to the creation of BE content that would otherwise never have existed, including the games The Pill, Change Deck, the series Cursed and more.

We've hit a bunch of milestones so far, which has released exclusive art, comics, adding voice artists, a whole extra chapter to The Pill and converting the endings to animations to name just a few (we've also hit the one that means I'll start using mo-cap. I've got the suit, but am still working out how to get it working smoothly. I'll post on that when I have something to show).

Anyhoo, you crazy people have surpassed all the community goals set so far, and we've been without a new one for a while (my bad, I couldn't decide), so we figured it was finally time to set a few!

At 3,500 patrons we'll create an exclusive 3D animation - but the kicker here is that the specifics, including setting, actors and extra transformations will be decided by a survey given to each and every patron who has ever been a part of The Grove! It will be the ultimate hive mind experience. Or you'll just vote for boobs. Either way we're gonna have a lot of fun huh?

At 5,000 patrons we're going to need some extra help around here. It will be the first real step towards making this a full on BE production house. In addition to already having the lovely Lady Grove, I'll be adding on an extra animator or coder, depending on what the needs are at the time. With either job being filled, the net result is the same - bigger and better BE content.

Thank you to all of you for being here and helping The Grove hit these milestones. It has been said before, but none of it is possible without you. And a special shout out to those who have been here since the very beginning;  you guys got me started and I am forever grateful.




Congratulations Grove! Keep doing it big!


You only have yourself to blame for all of this success. It's not just BE, but good entertainment as well. A perfect storm. I'm glad to see you looking forward to 5,000 because if you keep this up, it's just a matter of time.


So happy for you to have turned your passion into a job. Hope you and Lady continue to create great content. All we can do is support and encourage. GO GROVE!🥳


I still struggle to believe this is really my job but I'll keep making content for you fine people for as long as you'll let me.


Oh shucks 😊 Thanks man, so glad you feel that way - shall keep working on doing both until we hit 5k!

Nathan King

Amazing work! When you get to hiring a dev, hit me up for a chat <3

Kientz Lucas

A pleasure to be part of your grow, I follow a lot of grow artists, but your the only one I give money on Patreon, for a simple reason : your the best. Continue the good work ^^


Yes, goal setting in our lives as well as our ambitions are always very important to continue successful work. I think you took the right step in setting new goals!


I agree! Helps keep us both focused on what we need to do next.


I congratulate you very much on your success and wish you further development and prosperity in this field!

Lady Grove

It's been incredible to watch The BE Grove grow over the years and its exciting to have new goals for us to work towards. Thank you all for supporting the dream

Benjamin Smith

I have to echo the same sentiment going on here. You nail it at every metric that a supporter really wants. Frequency of content, quality, improvement, choice, interaction & more. Anybody walking in here for BE content.......you simply can't complain. Long may the growth continue ;)

Deandre Day

Bell's new shirt is very cute


Its been designed specifically for Belle and her unique t-shirt needs 😉