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Hey guys,

So I've spent time this week (among other things) plotting out the next chapter for The Pill (starring Luca).  I've attached the flowchart of how things will progress to this post (sad to say the code I'm using for the various choices are a bit more convoluted than the last one, so you sleuths will have to just use your imagination).

Looking at the chart you'll likely see two things - one that this arc isn't based on pure 1:1 pill to action but instead on attributes - Strength, Charisma and Vitality. Secondly, you'll notice that it's rather more complicated than the last arc.

I always seem to say this, but I got a bit more ambitious than previous ones. The story I plotted out will by the end involve around 25 animations, and will be around the same size as Belle's story (which was built over 4 rounds of additions).

As such I've decided to split the release of this arc into two, so you guys don't have to wait ages between releases. The upcoming 0.4.7 will involve "Charisma" and "Strength" pills (colored green in the flowchart) and 0.4.8 will include "Vitality" which will interact with the other two pills and finish off the arc.

Anyway, I hope you guys' week is going well and I'll be dropping the first Sweater Stretcher reward either Friday or Saturday I'd say.



Jack Moore

Ooh, I'm looking forward to the 'arcs' and hope you'll enjoy making the ambitious arcs! Looking forward to Luca


Take your time man and do what you gotta do, your making us all proud.


Of all the people I've watched work, you've maintained pep, quality, flare... and surprise. You continue to amaze, entertain, enrapture and impress. I'm not going to tell you to keep it up, you've proven that. So instead I'll say this: smile and carry your head with confidence, my good man! You're exceptionally talented and nobody has done more astounding work through Patreon.



Some Guy

there are a few things that don't quite add up if she takes 1 vitality pill and 2 charisma she gets to CV2 but if she takes 2 vitality and 1 charisma she also gets to that point... either she will have the same dialog with different "stat" levels or she is double dipping on some of her options...

T Pat

Im pumpeeddd

yeetus feetus

Its probably too late for suggestions, but I would love to see the hair growth pill that’s been mentioned in action.


I can't wait! Looks like we are going to get some FMG. <3 <3 <3


I haven't decided on just how much but yeah, there'll be some FMG :)


That one unfortunately won't work with Luca as I'd need to build in that possibility when compiling the model itself. I'll keep it in mind for future characters though.


The pills themselves won't act as a 1:1 tracked "stat point" as much as a direction the body will take and combining pills will lead to unpredictable results (like in previous chapters with cheese). There's certainly a game around the idea of building trackable 'BE' stats and improving or changing that, but that's not what's happening in this one.


There are always moments I love and loathe during the creation process, but honestly there's nothing else I'd rather be doing :)


Thanks Happy Clam, that's a really kind thing to say and I really appreciate it. If it wasn't for the support of fine folk like you I would've given up on this whole enterprise ages back.