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The game DOES USE/APPLY Xbox HDR Calibration app settings.

The game has one of the best HDR implementations ever as it actually leverages the system level HDR Calibration app, has perfect black levels and contrast by default but still offers in-game Peak HDR Luminance control in nits values (up to 10.000 nits) if needed.

If you've already calibrated the system level HDR Calibration app on Xbox and/or PC for your TV, there's nothing else you should do as the picture will already by perfect by default.

Just run the game and enjoy :)

If for some reason you're not seeing the system-level HDR values automatically applied to the game, you can manually enter them as the following:

If you have an LG OLED and:

> you're using Dynamic Tone Mapping or Dynamic Contrast:

  • Set HDR Brightness slider to: 4.000 (nits);

> you're using HGIG:

  • Set HDR Brightness slider to: 800 (nits) or 1.000 (for G2) or 1.500 (for G3).

If you don't have an LG OLED and:

> you don't have an HGIG option:

  • Set HDR Brightness slider to: 1.000 (nits);

> you're using HGIG:

  • Set HDR Brightness slider to the corresponding real Peak HDR Luminance of your TV in "nits".

In all cases, leave the regular Brightness slider to default 50 as it already provides a balanced exposure/gamma.


  • Use Performance RT Mode on XSX: As it's the best balance between beautiful visuals and performance. Remember to fully restart the game (or the console) after you change a graphics mode otherwise you would have a bugged/raised gamma.



Hey, I have a question. In the calibration settings on Xbox, my settings are set to 1200 nits, but in the game was 1000. I don't know why 🤔 I'm on Xbox and have a LG C1 and I'm using always dolby vision. I use 1200 as I read that 1200 is the right setting, even on C1 (800 nits). Is it still correct?


That's weird. If you entered 1.200, you should see 1.200 in-game. I added the manual values to be set in-game if for some reason you're not seeing them automatically applied correctly. And no, I don't recommend gaming in DV at all honestly... :D

Mitch Cook

Sometimes you need to restart the Xbox itself if restarting the game doesn’t work, might be worth mentioning that too.