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Hey, pervs. It's time for my weekly update.

For the last week I've pretty much had my computer compiling renders all day every day. At the start of the week I had about 10 and now I have 65 renders done (scene wise that's 6 scenes, 3 of which with adult content). I'm looking at a normal sized update as opposed to the monster from last month. I'm not quite caught up to where I want to be but I'm getting there. 

Code wise, there's two major scenes in this update that are very complex. I don't want to give away too much, but one is a very important plot scene and the other further lewd options for the beach area. The first one will have significant consequences gameplay wise. The other is almost adventure gamey in how you trigger it. Between those two (and the backup scenes in case you fuck up the first scene I mentioned) have slowed me down past where I wanted to be. I've got the triggers worked out and they seem to be working on my end. I still haven't written all the dialog I had planned out.

But then tomorrow I'm supposed to get buried in like a foot of snow so I guess I'll have some time.

I'm planning on doing a test build this weekend. Not doing one last time was Bad News Bears and I don't want to release like five bug fixes next time around. I'm sure the plot scene I mentioned will unearth a Pandora Boxx's box of bugs but I'm already beating my head against them and making progress.

I'm gonna get back to writing some of those backup scenes in case you fuck up the big plot scene for this update.



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