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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

Last week the patron Sati Starr made us aware that during dialogues and cutscenes, if the player pressed the spacebar, Kalyskah would slide down the ground, and also that you could activate and deactivate the blood buff during dialogues! 

This Blood Buff was a bigger problem if you had active while defeating the boss, then Kalyskah would be stuck with it turned on and there would be nothing you could do to stop her from using all of your blood points. So we fixed it this weekend, among with a few other things, and decided that we have been putting a lot of hard work on those dialogues and cutscenes to leave them buggy as they were on the public demo until we make another public release.

So today we are doing something we never did before: A new public release while also keeping exclusive content to our patrons!

I don't want to confuse anyone so instead of just linking to the last changelog and saying what is and what is not on the public patch, I'll just list everything ever since version 0.13.4c and then tell what's on the patron update:

Changelog Version 0.13.5


  • Merishya’s tail has physics again.
  • Merishya will now stay at Kelhold’s balcony, as intended.
  • Saving and loading items on chests should be more reliable (but some chests at the dungeon doesn’t seen to be saving items and I couldn’t figure out why yet)
  • Fixed doorway on the treehouse
  • Some backend fixes on the way we deal with cutscene triggers
  • Fixed the shade provided by several trees so you can take cover from the harmful sunlight when Kalyskah's blood points are low.
  • Fixed dungeon cupboard collisions so you can now take the pet collar on it. 
  • Fixed player being able to jump, equip weapons and activate the blood buff during cutscenes and dialogues.
  • Fixes on Herioom questline when Kaly is being aggressive:
    -She'll no longer have a weird rotation while the cutscene between her and Travert plays.
    -She'll also have a burst of hysterical laughter during that scene.
    -Lipsync added to Boris
  • Fixed boss throwing Attacks (Kalyskah will no longer be sent to space)
  • Improved Kalyskah rotation when she gets hit (She will spin less than before)
  • *Fixed player being unable to leave dialogue with Ilya Bouchard
  • *Fixed NPCs not detaching properly to their working stations before dialogues (It was happening with Ilya) 


  • There’s a special blue\grey cape that the player can get on the new placeholder dungeon. On the next patches we’ll make it a different item, so now is the best time to grab it!
  • When you talk with the guards at Milhaven’s entrance, they will find wearing the slave collar more severe than being half-naked. Before this patch, they would react to Kalyskah lacking clothes even when she was wearing a pet collar. (Thanks Sati Starr to letting us know about this detail)
  • Made the first cutscene of the open-world skippable
  • Improved textures on male civilian clothes (like the one Harry and Averion use)

  • Slightly improved the way NPCs rotate during combat.

Changelog Version 0.14.1 (Currently Vampire+ Patron Tier)

Everything listed above for the public + Kalyskah can bring back the Couple’s supplies at the inn (Or give up after talking with the bandits and seeing that they are selling the items). So, for now, this part of the quest is available only to our patrons.

Known issue:

  • The player can still walk into Michael's dialogue while in mist-form. We would have fixed this one on this patch but we only noticed it happening while making the final tests. Since it's a very specific one, we might wait a day or two to see if more bugs appear before we update the game again.


If you are not a patron, you can download the public demo by following this LINK. But we recommend you to get it through the itch app since it will auto-update the game when you have a new version to download.

Follow these instructions if you are a Vampire+ patron, you can download it through these links.

  • First, you need to create an account on itch.io.
  • NEONATE: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE.
  • VAMPIRE: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE.
  • ROYAL BLOOD: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE.

*Edit: After posting this, we released two new patches who fixed the gravity problem that was a known issue plus what's marked with an *on the fixes. We also fixed a problem that caused players not being able to skip the initial cutscene or fight Michael because Kalyskah's input was disabled.




Wheres the cape exactly ? Is it the cave with the troll ?