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Hello everyone, Corintio Here!
2 days ago I've made a post for patreons explaining that since we are so close to launch a new demo of the RPG, we will need to pause the monthly animations until everything for this new launching is complete.

Because of troubles on the dress collision, we are trying new designs that don't require to much physics. I will make 2 times more of what you see on this picture. I did the armor on number 6 and I got exited about the idea, want to try more kinds of armors and also some other levels of "appealing" clothes, some that shows more and some that shows less flesh and let the player decide how Kaly will wear. So feel free to coment with pictures and give all the ideas that you want, really, we are going to need a lot of clothes to be unlocked on the game D=

ps. This picture is waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy bigger than it seems, if you download or open it on a new tab you will se more details

Our discord Channel:  https://discord.gg/wFzK9BQ 



michael NICE


if i take this ones, for a vampire girl i would prefer maybe 6 for beginning, than 1 or 7, and in later game 3 would be very nice <3 :)


6 looks awesome. But you say you have issues with cloth colliders and you put her a cape?


I'm liking number 2.


i like number 2.


Great ideas))))

Don Banini

8 does it for me.


2,v 4, 6 and 7 are the most appealing for me


Vergil I'm still working on the cloth simulation and if it cannot be fixed I will use another technique to make it work. No worries. ;)


7 for sure imo