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Welcome Back to another episode of Record Club! This week we listen to a Record that Shawn has never heard all the way through before! The Number 8 album of all time Prince - Purple Rain! Does this deserve to be this high on the list? Watch along and decide for yourself!


Mega64 Record Club Ep. 14 - Prince - Purple Rain (#8)

Welcome Back to another episode of Record Club! This week we listen to a Record that Shawn has never heard all the way through before! The Number 8 album of all time Prince - Purple Rain! Does this deserve to be this high on the list? Watch along and decide for yourself!


☠ 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞_𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☠

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 What an album. What an experience. 💜 I do next to no research for these, I just like to listen and share my thoughts, so when I say something like "Darling Nikki" sounds like a stripper song, it comes from no place of fact. Just to get Darling Nikki out of the way, since the first half would be the weakest part of the album for me but the second half is so fucking awesome instrumentally that It's STILL like a 9/10. "The Beautiful Ones" gives me goosebumps whenever I listen to it. I love how bashful and coy he sounds in the first half but in the second is bursting with heartache, like he can't bottle it inside anymore and it explodes through him... It's my favourite on here, my favourite Prince song and one of my favourite songs ever. and "Purple Rain" could be the greatest closer in album history and I love that we spend the entire album building towards it. Not to pull a Rocco but it gives me huge Human Instrumentality Project vibes. The whole world is being drenched in cleansing purple and we're forced to start over together. I'm not going to ruin the sanctity of Record Club by going above 5 but I don't think any number could do justice to this masterpiece. 💿💿💿💿💿/𝟓 (Writing this review before watching the video because this doesn't feel like a Shawn album and I wanna get my thoughts out in case he hates it, but hoping he loved it!!!)


Prince is my favourite pop artist and I was curious how this album would be received by Shawn. Glad to hear it was overall a positive reception! Within my personal ranking it doesn't land in my top 5 (still an excellent album!), but I can understand why a lot of publications and such recognise its quality.

Paul LoBue

It rules. Every song on this album could be added to the playlist tbh but I Would Die For U was definitely my favorite. 4/5 pieces of vinyl for me. Also, not sure if Shawn forgot to give his pieces of vinyl for this one or if I just missed it.

Tyler Lajevardi

I'm with Shawn on this one. Not in my personal top ten, but clearly a great album. We seem to have finally found an album on this list that is both influential and enjoyable to listen to. Second half of the album definitely slaps harder. I mean, the last 4 song run is insane. I could probably listen to When Doves Cry on repeat forever. I will say: this album is 80s as fuck, and occasionally the drums and such can be annoying. Definitely an aesthetic though. As far as a rating I'd say 4-4.5/5.


I watched the ending after seeing this comment, and there was no rating. The people need to know!


Purple Rain is a masterpiece. Side B goes ridiculously hard. Excited for when the other inevitable Prince albums show up on this list! Dropped so many bangers.


Love the show but the audio is so insanely quiet (my speakers are turned up). This happens pretty often with videos on the podcast set, whether its the podcast itself or a Patreon vid. The movie club video that came out today sounds great, but this one is almost inaudible sometimes


Yeah something is clearly weird here, fixing it for next time!


This album was the first one i couldnt get through. Its not a bad album i just hated it. I definitely would have picked a diffrent color and the album art was icky. I dont know a lot about prince but i love his other albums, not this one. I hope shawn starts picking some better albums out but my patience is wearing thin. Have a nice day everyone 😊 love you.


Preferably mega64s Mega64 The Soundtrack 15th Anniversary Complete Edition

Andy Tuttle

The movie isn't all that great, it's okay. Interesting that you thought the beginning was weaker than the end, because the soundtrack follows the order the songs appear in the movie, and in the beginning their band is seen as kind of shitty. It isn't until later that Prince's band starts to write better songs, gaining more fans and respect.


I typically hate the 80s sound and this album has all the cheesy elements, but I can't deny the greatness. So much creativity and smart experimental songwriting in display that set a new bar in pop albums.