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Mega64 Version 1: Episode 05: "Eyes Of Skull Has A Secret" 2003 (Episode produced in late 2003-  this season was originally intended for air in Summer 2003, but took too long to get done and was eventually held back for "Mega64 Version 1" DVD released in November 2004).

Written/Directed by Rocco Botte

The Version 1 FINALE. Sean has a strange vision he cannot shake, but a horrific accident leaves him outcast. Can he break out of this? And what secrets will be uncovered once he does? Next time on the final transmission of Mega64 Version 1: "Eyes Of Skull Has A Secret."


-The plan from the beginning of Mega64's public access days was to have an episode full of random segments from Rocco, Derrick, and Shawn's video-making past thrown together in a "Warioware" style onslaught of weirdness. It was thought that this would be a mid-season "filler" episode concept, but the premise of a destroyed Mega64 system leading to it was appealing to Rocco and it all went into the finale.

-"Frogger" was one of the first segments ever filmed for Mega64, but as production on the full season progressed, it felt like it wasn't that great compared to what they filmed later. It kept being put aside until eventually it was just dumped into the last episode.

-One of the voice actors of the mysterious men at the end is Kyle Hebert, the American narrator/adult Gohan in Dragonball Z, Ryu in Street Fighter, Kamina in Gurren Lagann and more. He offered to voice the part after the Mega64 crew put a post on the internet asking for voice actors.

-Over the course of almost two decades, "Aggressive Caroling" slowly became one of Mega64's all-time most viewed videos across many platforms.

-The final scene was shot outside of Rocco, Derrick, and Shawn's old high school drama classroom- Room B5. It was the last time they visited it- in more ways than one, this episode was a goodbye.

NEXT TIME:  The thrilling behind the scenes documentary of Mega64's beginnings! "Cat Pee and The Internet: The Mega64 Story Part 1" from 2003, remastered!


(No title)



The joke with Rocco's parents coming through The Core killed me. So glad I got to watch this finally! :)


Is anyone else getting a totally grayed out thumbnail for this video or is our computer broken


If I remember right, the most recent time you guys recorded commentary for this episode, you said that the "my hearts are full" line is corny to you now, but I thought that moment was badass and hilarious the first time I saw this as a teenager haha


Wow, it's been a while since I've watch all of Version 1. Crazy how many lines I still quote from this version. I'm guessing this is the most heavy edited episode as it feels a little leaner. Also that gunshot sound effect wasn't there before... haha


This was so good! Can't wait for Version 2!!


The finale ruled, can't believe you thought the "Frogger" bit wasn't great. I rewatched that first clip of Derrick almost dying several times


Here for the pizza party


these videos all keep freezing on me. anybody else having this issue? i practically cannot watch any of the vimeo videos


Wow, I've been a fan of you guys since like 2006 but never watched the Versions. So far I absolutely love it. I'd always heard Version 1 was overly corny and not very watchable but no way, there were so many amazing lines of dialogue and parts that made me laugh very hard.