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Does this legendary live action/animated hybrid hold up as a classic? Or does it disintegrate under scrutiny like a Dipped shoe?? And where is the DAMN question mark????? Watch our HOUR LONG discussion on this descent into Toontown!


Mega64 Movie Club: Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Does this legendary live action/animated hybrid hold up as a classic? Or does it disintegrate under scrutiny like a Dipped shoe?? And where is the DAMN question mark????? Watch our HOUR LONG discussion on this descent into Toontown!



Please watch UHF


Great choice, always a classic


What movie is for the next movie club?


That Thing You Do, they say it at the end of the episode


Next episode's movie is THAT THING YOU DO!


I highly, HIGHLY recommend "Behind the Ears", a making-of documentary about Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It's in Youtube in it's entirety. The amount of work superimposing the cartoons over the real world without the help of computers, how Bob Hoskins had to react to a character he visibly can't see, the details on the physical "reactions" that the toons have on the real world (breaking plates for example), and all sorts of good movie magic. There's details on making the toons have "realistic" lighting in the real world (done by ILM), which is something you don't think about. Imagine the movie without that lighting, it would make the characters feel very flat in real-space.


@zeeco It was hard to make out the title. Only understood ‘You do’ and had to google search to find out.


I've not seen this movie in yearrrs, gotta check this out again


I'm so glad The Movie Club is giving me the impetus to watch movies -- I'm normally "That one friend who hasn't seen anything." Sure not all the movies are good, but I can still say I've got them under my belt! WFRR was really good in my opinion, the superposition of the toon elements and real life elements was a spectacle -- especially considering it was made in 1988. Keep up the good work, Mega64, this show is something really special!

Andy Tuttle

When I was a kid they played this on TV for like the NBC movie of the week, or something, and it had the scene where Eddie gets the pig head stuck onto him, and I remember seeing this and thinking I had gone insane. The idea of deleted scenes in a movie were not something I was used to at that age, so I spent years kind of thinking I had made it all up in my head, but then like Rocco said, I'd read Roger Rabbit adaptations in comics and books, and they'd always have this scene in there. It's so bizarre.

Nathaniel Rohr

The weird nightmare fuel for kid me from this movie was Judge Doom getting run over by the steam roller and then hopping up with weird toon eyes. I saw that on TV out of context as a young kid and any weird eye stuff in movies is kind of a quick access to my terror sector now. Thanks Zemeckis.