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The Princess Bride is a an adorable cult classic. This discussion video is the total opposite. It gets ugly... and things escalate when someone suggests the love for this movie is "all nostalgia." Who will survive this week's Mega64 Movie Club?


Mega64 Movie Club: The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride is a an adorable cult classic. This discussion video is the total opposite. It gets ugly... and things escalate when someone suggests the love for this movie is "all nostalgia." Who will survive this week's Mega64 Movie Club?



Excited to hear you guys talk about Night of the Hunter!!


Haven't watched this movie since I was 17, it might be time to pop it in again.


It was cool to hear that Rocco & Shawn also had routine media for sick days lol. Derrick what was your sick at home movie? Mine was Like Mike 🏀 and I really don't know why.


I was in the same situation as Rocco: Had never heard of this movie until I watched it in a classroom full of people who apparently loved it. Very weird.


Watched 5 minutes of this episode, got curious and watched the movie and then watched the remainder of movie club. Really liked it! In general not a fan of romance movies but this way more than that. The movie is a great adventure/comedy and made me actually laugh on a lot of occasions(cant say that about many comedies). Like Derrick said the movie feels objectively good and to me it seems there was a lot of good energy on set because everybody seemingly is having a blast portraying their characters. The sword fight was epic, including the lead-up to it. And Inigo might as well be one of the greatest characters in history. Movie has a good pace with not too long of a runtime, never got dull. Great writing and acting. 4/5 shakers. Ps: I am in my 30s as I watched the movie for the first time.


The "I don't get it, it's fine" attitude is worse than someone hating a movie out right sometimes.


This movie was wholesome and fun! good stuff


Rocco would have liked this movie more if the swordfight was with lightsabers instead


Is cause deep down, we’re all ballers at heart. Mine was space jam so I get it lol


Heated 80s cinema discussion is what I subscribe to this Patreon for. Keep it coming. I feel Rocco tho. As a 30 year old man, this movie wasn’t made for him. Not to mention you’ve heard all the good lines and zingers already thru annoying repetition. Plus movies nowadays take from Princess Bride as inspiration so it’s not surprising it didn’t subvert Roccos expectations. Also can’t wait u til you can all be in the same room. Miss the flow and chemistry you guys had when talking about it on set.


Have to agree with Rocco on this one. I also felt like it was nailed in my head that Princess Bride was a good movie throughout my life (funny enough no plot details were ever described to me) and once i popped it on in college, I thought it was the most "just ok" fantasy movie I've seen. Nostalgia sometimes makes us overhype and ruin expectations for a movie that would otherwise seem way better from a fresh watch.


I'm not surprised by Rocco's reaction: I think his comment that it doesn't do anything new reminds me of how I've felt watching older movies with as much cultural traction as this as I've gotten older as opposed to when it was new/I was younger. The movie has been influencing others since it got big, so I think for someone who is media savvy this movie is no longer your first introduction to a lot of the really fun stuff it does.


2 AND A FU*%*IN HALF!? come on