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This week we're watching The Prestige, a mind-bending film from Christopher Nolan. Released in 2006 the film stars Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman as two rival magicians locked in a bitter feud, sparked by one of them performing the ultimate teleportation magic trick! How does it rank compared to Nolan's other films, and how many things have WE broken while wearing fake beards ourselves? 


Mega64 Movie Club: The Prestige

This week we're watching The Prestige, a mind-bending film from Christopher Nolan. Released in 2006 the film stars Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman as two rival magicians locked in a bitter feud, sparked by one of them performing the ultimate teleportation magic trick! How does it rank compared to Nolan's other films, and how many things have WE broken while wearing fake beards ourselves?



The Prestige is my favorite Nolan film as well. Upon multiple viewings I can see the differences in Borden but I am still unsure in many cases which I think just shows how great he is living his act. The one detail that bothers me a bit about the movie is that Borden misleads Angier into telling him Tesla gave him the transported man and that was a lie, yet Tesla somehow still ended up making a transported man device for Angier. I don't understand this, it just seems incredibly convenient for Hugh Jackman. I want to write more about it in this comment section but I don't want to spoil it for others.


Best one so far. Movie club has bumped the mega64 podcast off of spot no. 1 for ‘things I look forward to on a weekly basis’ Also, Shawn has more input on this one. Feels the most balanced so far.


This has quickly become my favorite show on the Patreon. Keep it up!


Fully agree with Derrick's point about this movie suffering from its marketed/expected genre


I always mix this movie with the illusionist.


I'm pro Prestige, and pro bug stunt


I know my response is two weeks late but a thought just struck me reading this: what if Borden went to Tesla and had a clone made? They're not twins at all, there's a clone.


Interesting... however, Borden knew that Angier went to see Tesla and was still mystified by Angier's new transported man. So if Borden had a clone from Tesla, not a brother, he would have known that Angier was using a clone from Tesla as well and wouldnt have been so curious about how Angier was doing the transported man. That's my thought.