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Mega64 Version 1: Episode 01: "Life Inside A Console," 2003 (Episode produced in 2003, intended for air on San Diego public access that summer, but held back for "Mega64 Version 1" DVD released in November 2004).

Written/Directed by Derrick Acosta, Rocco Botte

The first episode. In the not too distant future, the sinister Dr. Poque reveals his twisted plan to unleash the most powerful video game console on an unsuspecting world. Fired from one of the most esteemed game development companies, Poque secretly builds a beta-testing dungeon beneath his apartment, and with the help of kidnapped test subjects Rocko and Derek, begins to test this most unpredictable machine that makes video games real in your mind.


-The Super Mario Bros. segment of this episode was the first thing ever filmed specifically for Mega64.

-When Mega64 got a DVD distribution deal, and there was no longer a 28 minute runtime requirement as per public access rules, a "final cut" of the episode (seen here) was made to make it more high-energy and better paced. The original cut, thought to be slow and somewhat awkward, was seen for the first time in 2019's "Mega64 Begins" VHS release.

-Shot entirely on Sony DCR-TRV18E camera purchased at Sears in 2002.

-The first public screening of this episode was at "Gooncon 2004" in Las Vegas; after countless technical difficulties, the episode's pudding scene played to a house of full blown booing, which led to parts of the episode being fast-forwarded in what was considered to be a "disaster." It was advised to remove the pudding scene by attendees and the distributor- Mega64 refused and the scene stayed intact.

NEXT TIME: The Mega64, infected with a menacing virus? And who are these other dwellers within the apartment? We go deeper inside the Mega64's worlds in episode 2, "I Feel Asleep!"


(No title)



Thanks so much for putting these episodes online!


So glad I can finally watch these online! I'm real excited to see the rest of the series


Oh no! Jamie Lee got blurred out, thought that was just a VHS thing


I've never seen these and I'm so damn excited. Thanks guys!!


Love it that these are coming to the digital realm. I'll always have my DVD's, but this is great for convenience sake!


"a bird with a bear strapped to its crotch" is seriously an underrated line


The pudding scene is art and I'm glad you guys kept it.


So happy to be able to watch this!


Seers rules thanks for putting this up!


i think its pretty funny that people were more receptive to rocco running around in his underwear than the mario bros


Been a fan for years and never seen Version 1. This was awesome to finally watch.


This has very strong Mystery Science Theater 3000 vibes and structuring to it


Agreed! And as a longtime fan, I've yet to see any of the versions.


What's the frequency of the uploads?


I’m really glad to finally see these for the first time, I’ve been long time fan since a little after the start of the podcast but never had the money to buy the sets till super recently, so this is really exciting to watch these. I can’t wait till next Friday! Also the pudding scene is probably the best scene in the episode, fuck the haters.


I keep getting an Error saying I can't watch it because of Privacy settings


If you have an extension for downloading videos try disabling that.


just watched this for the first time, excited to watch the rest of these before 4.1!


The pudding scene straight up made me jump. Scared the shit out of me.


I've been a fan from Mexico since 2005 and I could never watch any versions so just now that version 4 movie is gonna come out I decided to get the tier on patreon to watch everything before it comes out!


My first time ever watching!