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A couple updates for everyone on our Patreon. First off, we wanted to double check with everyone on our shift to the $2 Tier 1. You have to actually select the new Tier 1 to see new videos going forward. If you changed your amount to $2 a long time ago and that's it, it's not enough- you have to actually select the new Tier 1. Do it!

Anyway, into other news. We are about a day away from making the Mega64 series (Version 1, 2, and 3) available on Patreon! We're going to break them into seasons- and the first season (Version 1) begins on 6/11 for the newly rescheduled Mega64 Day 2020! Episodes will be released typically once a week, with seasonal breaks between seasons and bonus features during the breaks. For Version 1 specifically, we're going to do 2 episodes a week for the first couple weeks. Look for the first two episodes "Life Inside A Console" and "I Feel Asleep" released sometime tomorrow!

Now, how will these episodes be accessed? We're adding the Version episodes to the $10 Tier 2. We're beefing up that tier with these episodes- as well as select other releases from the Mega64 Vault. Most "Mega64 Vault" videos will be generally released on all tiers as usual, but the videos that are a little more deluxe or require some production work will be released on Tier 2. Don't forget that Tier 2 also gets you a small quarterly physical gift!

And of course, Tier 3 gets all this stuff too plus more.

That's it for now- stay tuned for the remastered episodes soon. And join us on Twitch on Thursday for streaming all day long!



Oh, so Tier 1 isn't gonna get the episodes? That's kind of a bummer, I was hoping to finally see them.


Sorry- but we think it's worth the upgrade to check them out, even if only for a little bit!


Hopefully tier 2 plus will lead to uploads of old cons and such some day. Tier 3 is the same price right?


I bet they are worth seeing! Maybe I'll check Tier 2 out for a month once they're all up, but I just can't afford 14$ a month right now (being from overseas).


Yeah I made that mistake, fixed now!


It's Poque O'Clock, baby! I hope we can eventually get content that's only on the "Time" DVDs as well, and maybe some one-off secrets from the old con-exclusives. You guys did a lot of commentary and obscure videos for menus and stuff that aren't in circulation anymore.


At the very least we gotta get the Tommentary out there somehow, the world needs to see it


Fixed it!


oh thanks for heads up i adjusted my amount rather than choosing new tier.


I do miss the posters from Tier 2, but the enamel pins are awesome!