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Welcome to the venue! Head up to the front railing, because the show is about to begin... it's SUMMER SEMESTER (AKA MEGA64 BOYZ) LIVE!! We're playing all your favorite tracks from Rock Band 3 LIVE from the Mega64 concert hall!



Need to lower that quality and add a justin tv logo

Lorenzo Rivera (edited)

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2024-04-12 05:28:52 We still do rockband!!!
2024-03-30 23:58:52 We still do rockband!!!

We still do rockband!!!


Good times, thanks for the throwback!


We had fun revisiting Rock Band- but let us know your feedback; if you want more of these or not!

☠ 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞_𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ☠ (edited)

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2024-04-12 05:28:52 I totally missed the Rock Band boat and it bums me out. I didn't even listen to music when this shit was popular lol.
2024-03-31 01:02:10 I totally missed the Rock Band boat and it bums me out. I didn't even listen to music when this shit was popular lol.

I totally missed the Rock Band boat and it bums me out. I didn't even listen to music when this shit was popular lol.


One of the best friendimensions in years.


I was a guitar hero fan, but this makes me sad I missed out on rock band. I liked this video, and wouldn't mind more, but personally I prefer to see y'all try new games and offer your two cents.


Recently brought out my old GH guitar and RB kit to play some Rock Band 2 & Rock Band 3, absolute classics. Happy to see you guys doing the same! I spent an absurd amount of time between 2007-2011 playing these games.


Shawn with the pipes! 🔥


Also recently went back and played a couple Guitar Hero games I missed out on back in the day, like Guitar Hero 5 and Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. 5 was alright, but Warriors of Rock was really good. If anyone reading this still has their plastic instruments and hasn't played Warriors of Rock... I fully recommend that one. Neversoft really put their best foot forward despite knowing the end was closing in.

Randall Robertson

This was amazing would love to see you guys rock out again.


Love seeing the guys have fun


gonna need one of these every couple months at least


This was dope! Pouring one out for myself and all the internet soldiers that no longer have the rock band equipment. I hope to play again some day! I hope if y'all do this again we get to see Shawn do a vocal performance redemption of Monkey Gone to Heaven.


This fuckin' rules, if you don't get arrested by copyright zombies I'd love to see more


We uploaded this directly to Patreon specifically to avoid said zombies

Michael Springer

Loved this! More rock band is always welcome

Ben Cooper

garrett's rendition of dragula was a 10/10

Steven Parker

Reminds me of playing Rock Band with you guys at Pax East. Thanks for the memories!


Wouldn't mind a bigger gameplay window next time! Was surprisingly glued to that corner for most of this video


this was like therapy thank u boyz


Definitely down for more, even if you want to spread them out a bit it would be a one to look forward to. And nice work on the stage it looks so legit.

peepeedrizzle (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-12 05:28:52 shit goes hard
2024-04-03 08:04:04 shit goes hard

shit goes hard


This rules


Great video boys! I think your calibration may have been a bit off may have been why you were having trouble on some of the faster songs.


derrick saw aftersun and said 'hold my mic'


This shit ruled, but make sure to sync next time.


Definitely do more of these, this was so much fun to watch


Hellyeah! This made me bust out the set from my parents place for my roomates and me to play a bit.


lots of fun! Chop Suey was in Rockband 2! You probably just forgot to re-import the songs from 2! (RB1 songs were added as DLC files, while RB2 songs you needed the disk to transfer them over)


let Derrick sing any My Chemical Romance song (sing 'I'm Not Okay' please)