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Anyone who went to a UK school in the 80s will be familiar with the BBC Micro; a machine that we would spend the odd hour on, usually playing some kind of simulation game, that "taught" us real life scenarios. But what people often forget is the thing we were staring at throughout; The Microvitec Cub Monitor.

So why was this monitor always used with the Beeb?

Let us explore my favourite monitor from the 80s.

Big thanks to Johnny Blanchard and John B (not the same person) for lending their voices.


Microvitec Cub | Patreon | Nostalgia Nerd

Cub cub cub cub. Here is the Cub.



School and cub monitors go hand in hand for me too, great video! I’d always incorrectly assumed acorn made the monitor too as they were always seen together

Ben Rattigan

I can’t think I have sever seen a BBC Micro/Master with any other monitor than the Cub. They just fit together