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Happy New Year folks! I hope you had an excellent festive period.

I had decided to take a break over Christmas and New Year, but then I got ill and so the break turned into an extended recovery. But it's now 2021, and it's time for some new videos.

I wanted to start this year off with a fun, light video, but it actually turned more interesting the more I got into it.

This is the story of my Christmas PS5. It's also a story about the "origins of the PS5" design.

Ta-ta for now,



I got a 'PS5' for Christmas | Patreon | Nostalgia Nerd


Hugo Cardozo

Naughty, naughty Clickbait-y Petey For that, The Octy will come And take away your best goodies Crappy rhymes aside, fun video mate 😂

Doug Johnson

Would be interesting to run a utility like `file` on those binaries and see what arch they are compiled for. Probably ARM?