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Hey folks, 

Just wanted to drop a quick note to say Happy Christmas and thank you for your support this year! It means the world and I'm truly glad you're here.

I'm sure some of you are doing the same, but I'm taking this opportunity to take a small break. The past year has burnt me out a bit, and I want to realign the channel and make sure I'm headed in the right direction.

Nothing major, I just want to get back to roots. I want to get back to making more system stories, and more of the videos that I really connect to, and that I really enjoy producing. I think I've caught myself in a bit of a perfectionist loop, which has meant I'm constantly delaying the video content I really want to make, because I feel like I can't attain the standards I desire, or put the commitment in to make it. 

I might post a video update at the start of January and plan out the year as I see it. Set some targets in this regard.

But anyway, today is not the day for that. So, until then, I hope you're well. Thank you, as ever, and I hope you have a great remainder of your evening.



Tim Wilcox

Enjoy the break Peter. Merry Christmas and happy new year.


Have a lovely festive break Peter! You make awesome content that is the perfect balance between entertaining and educational. Proud to be a Patron! The best is the enemy of the good!