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Hey there!

Thank you so very much! Your support means the world to me. Every backer is a part of my team, and without you, I couldn't do this show.

You're going to find your backer rewards in two places:
  • Posts here on this page that only paid members can see.
  • Your private, unique "audio RSS Link", located at the top-right of the Lore page (once you're logged in). To add the premium shows to your favorite podcast app, simply copy the audio link, open that app, and find the "+" button to add a new show using an RSS link.

NOTE: If you picked a reward tier that includes a physical item, please make sure your shipping address is entered correctly!

Check back here often to see how the show's doing, and to access memberer-only content and posts. And thanks again for your support, your passion for Lore, and for helping keep the show alive and growing!

Aaron M.
Lore Podcast
Added: 2023-11