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Coding has begun! And more than that, it has developed.

I had a half week to work on the Rose as opposed to five days because of that pesky flu that completely overstayed its welcome. But, from Wednesday forward, I was applying an immeasurable amount of % into the game file. What fun!

But seriously, it's good to go over what I wrote as I code it, especially when I wrote it without a first draft — what I'm coding is, in essence, the first draft, and boy, some passages definitely read like one. I also added some little details, clarified some bits of the Mist's conversation, and tightened some dialogue.

On Monday, I want to finish all the additions to the stat pages and Summary I need for the ending of the chapter, and by Friday, I want to be either done coding or very close to it. That's my goal!!!

Also, my new laptop finally, finally arrives tomorrow! Remember when my old, barely-hanging-together laptop broke while I was on vacation? Well, a friend helped me get it back to life! Although... as with all the necromantic stories told as cautionary tales about the dangers of refusing to let go, it didn't exactly come back right. I've been holding on to it because I didn't want to spend a lot, right now, on a new laptop — my dog, Nero, is an old gentleman now and the vet bills have been devastating. I don't understand why animal care is so expensive. It's like they want pets to suffer.

But honestly, working on that broken thing has been so frustrating.😩 I didn't want to complain here, especially since this is something I brought on myself, but my God, sometimes I felt I was about to throw the damned thing out of the window. This progress report may be the last thing I write here. What a comforting thought.

But the new one is arriving tomorrow!!!! I can finally go write in coffee shops like I used to 😊.

That's it! Homerun now. I was thinking about names for Chapter 3. What do you feel about 'Breaking and Entering?" Too... on the nose? Basic? I kind of like it. 😄

Have a great Sunday, everyone. Let us all enter October with our best foot forward. 🌹



Good luck on your coding! It should be way easier with the new laptop instead of the necromanced one RIP, just in time for the spooky month 👻


Thank you so much!! ❤️ the new laptop will actually only come on Wednesday. There was a delay from the factory 😭 But I'll make do until then^^


I can relate to the extremely expensive vet bills.... There were times I had to spend my whole salary on vets. Give your Nero lots of hugs and kisses on my behalf! Also I can't wait for chapter 3! It's not an exaggeration to say that your updates keep me going through the slow days. "Breaking and Entering" is straight to the point, I think it's nice :P


Hugs and kisses delivered! Give my own love to your pets ♥️ And glad to hear it! I think I'll keep the name for now :)