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I apologize!

I didn't realize I forgot to write a progress report last Friday. It completely flew over my head (╥_╥). I was so deep into coding that when I stopped, I didn't have the energy to type anything, not even, so it seems, a small note reminding me to write it on Saturday.

But I realized my mistake now, so allow me to rectify it: Last week, I finished the deep edit of chapter one!!!! It has around 4k fewer words, and, in my humble opinion, it flows better overall. I'm ashamed you guys have the old version available — but you'll get to see the new one soon enough. 😋

After that, I dived straight into coding!!! Chapter two is much smaller than the previous one, but even still, I'm editing as I go, and coding itself requires a fair amount of concentration — so I need to take my time. But I'm almost halfway through the chapter!

Today, I didn't go to work on my day job since I started my summer break, so I spent pretty much the whole day coding. I'll be doing the same tomorrow, but on Wednesday, I leave to spend a week in the south of my country — my last vacation of the year 😭. I'll return on the 9th, and from then on, I have the remaining of August to treat the Rose as my day job!!! I'm so excited 😊.

So, I won't give a goal for next week since I'll be away, but I will talk with you all on the 10th. I can't code where I'm going — my small laptop is a hybrid between a tablet and a computer, so it can't run ChoiceScript IDE 😭😄. I will take advantage of the quiet times, however, to write all the Bonus Content for August. I already have a few ideas floating around in my head. I think they'll have something to do with the beach — the ocean and the heat are inspiring me. 🤭

And that's it! You'll have the new chapter to read next month, have no worries, and I already bought a cute new notebook to write chapter three on. I hope the rest of your week goes smoothly, like waves gently lapping at a sandy coast.

See you all later! 🌹


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