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You can have this convo in Chapter One if you're neither friends with Alessa nor are in a relationship with her. As I went over it during my deep edit of the chapter, I... liked it a lot 😄. Not necessarily how it's written, but more the playful rivalry that I keep seeing between Alessa and Romanus, even when you're technically not on good terms.

I was of the mind that Hadrian and Alessa's romances had to be started in Book One, or you would miss your chance to be with them — until Book Three. However, the more I think about it... I really like this more antagonistic, combative side of Alessa's relationship.

I can see her slowly, begrudgingly begin to feel attracted to you, and vice-versa.

With Hadrian, his interactions with a low relationship Romanus aren't fun or airy; they're heavy and unpleasant, and there's always a tint underneath that makes it clear Hadrian would rather be doing literally anything else but speak with you. Alessa, however... It's not quite that. If it's not too bad — if you haven't threatened her or, more recently, choked her — then her rivalry is light in a way.

I have so many things to keep track of, so this isn't a promise, but I'm considering having a different way to start Alessa's romance in this book, where you keep riling each other until tension rises and rises and finally. "Must you be so infuriating?" Alessa hisses.

Before you're both grabbing at each other, lips not so much as kissing but waging a war.

We shall see. But, for now, I like the idea.


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