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If you had the chance to ask Mist, lord of the whisper network in Tarragona and the lands beyond, information on something, what would you ask?

These are my current options (this text is from the first draft, so it's unedited and a bit rough. 😋):

You can only ask one. What would you like to learn?

1) "Tell me of the Devil's Guardian," you say. "The woman who was dragged by the Inquisition."

2) "What do you know of the Theers?" you ask. "Of Lord Rowan and his ascension. Of Ysabella and Alain Theer."

3) "Lieutenant Vallen," you whisper her name. "What do you know of her?"

4) "Do you have an inkling as to why this Pirate King is here? Why he wants a meeting with the Church." A pause. "Why Neia, the Dawnseeker, works with him."

5) Julianna Romanus. Is she alive? Was she ever taken? "Ju.." You cannot say it. "Why is the Inquisition here?" you ask instead.

6) You lift your eyes and settle them on Mist. "Tell me your real name."


I'd love to see if the readers have any other questions they'd like to ask. Sometimes, it's easy for me to overlook something because I already know the answers to all the mysteries and incognitas. So, I'm recruiting your help once again!

EDIT: I was unclear! I'm asking if you would have any other questions besides the ones listed! If there's anything else you can think of to ask Mist^^



I’d ask about number 1 or number 5 :)

Nessy Lovegood

Since Hadrian is my main RO, I would probably ask something Hadrian's leaving the templars.Like why did he? What happened and caused him to leave? I mean it's hard not to be curious. But it seems everyone's past is shrouded in mystery.


It'd be interesting to ask about Captain Cynthia and/or Vaughn, especially on a Beka playthrough where they're especially antagonizing, and given the start of the book 2 demo 👀 (trying to be good and merciful, but those characters really test my willpower; absolutely gonna end up with some corruption for killing them if it becomes possible 🙃)


Ana, my dear ... Please give Romanus a chance to flirt. Just this once I swear. That question Crockett suggested was fun. Also on a serious note... I would choose number 5.


I would go with 4 or 5


Why Lance knows Latin


I will go for 4 or 5


I'd would ask about people with black marks in their hands for no reason in particular. From that list I'd have to go with either 4 or 5


These are all such good questions! Maybe, a question about Tarek? We've had some burning questions about him.


Vallen for sure. I'm pretty sure she was the mysterious woman who took the maps.