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I didn't write a Progress Report because I wanted to give this good news instead. 😄 I just wrote the last line of the first draft of chapter one, making it 85 notebook pages. This chapter isn't as branchy as the last one, both route-wise and relationship-wise, so I believe it'll probably be shorter than the first. But, let's be honest, I can never be 100% sure 😅.

As with all first drafts, there are some parts that I know I'll have to re-work a bit when I'm writing the second draft — some dialogues and introductions that didn't quite... meet the mark I wanted them to meet, but as I said before, the first draft's point isn't to get it right, it's simply to get it done.

And done it is. I really like it! I hope you guys will like it too.

I'll take a few days off writing which is in good time since I have a bunch of medical appointments to go to — nothing serious, just the usual every two years checkups that are a pain to endure but necessary all the same. This week will probably be filled with blood tests and exams that'll eat up my free time. I'll just take advantage of the timing to rest my brain so I can start the second draft next Monday!

That's it! I hope your weekend was good and that the start of the week wasn't troubled by too many responsibilities. It's very sunny here and warm, and the days are getting longer. I'll admit, I missed sitting outside watching the sun slowly dip below the horizon. During winter, it seems it just disappears, doesn't it? One thing I love about the summer is its nights, but alas, for now, it's still spring, and darkness carries with it a chill.

Be well! I probably won't write a Progress Repost this week either since I won't have news to share, but I do have some fun posts scheduled throughout the week. 🌹



Woop woop! Congratulations!! That's amazing news! 🥳


Oh, so fast? Really wasn't expecting these good news so soon


congrats 🥳

Nessy Lovegood

Omg!!! That's amazing Ana!!! Just don't burn yourself out sweetie! Always remember to take you time!