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He stands atop a low, light-brown table with one foot propped on the back of a chair so that his knee can serve as support for his lyre. A golden tooth catches the glow of the nearby torch, and blue hair falls down a pale forehead.

A deep crimson vest, the color of a late sunset, tar-like trousers, a yellow belt, and moss-green shoes make up for his outfit, but you don't miss now the small folded crossbow hanging from his waist.

His arms are bare from the shoulders down, his mismatched socks on display, and his fingers pluck from the silver strings a lively melody.

As your boots slam down the hollowed staircase, you, Hadrian, and Alessa draw the attention of all the eyes in the room. Men lower their cups and tankards, and a woman in a leather cap sets aside a half-eaten sandwich. You can feel the air coiling as the atmosphere shifts from carefree to tense. But it's the bard's grey eyes you hold as Lance Silverthread turns his chin and notices you.

"Ah," he says, lips spilling into a wide greeting smile. It stands like a sore thumb amongst the grim stares of all the others. "Our Company friends. You're here, at last."



'You're here, at last" In varying conditions. I love Lance can't wait to see more of him.


Can’t wait to see more of my Romanus and his true love Alessa.