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It is done...

Excluding command lines (or code, if you will), the chapter stands at a staggering 184,712 words — making it the biggest chapter I have ever written. This is due to having to write so many variations depending on past choices and stances. I have a feeling this phenomenon will keep happening from now on, but that's exactly what makes Interaction Fiction so unique.

And fun!!!

But it is done, and I just passed both Quicktest and Randomtest. Look at how the book looks so far in CSIDE!

It seems so small still.🥺But it shall grow.

I'll send out emails to my testers tomorrow and ask which one of them would be interested in providing feedback. As for the alpha link, I'll publish it on the 23rd. ♡♡

That's it! I just wanted to announce it because I'm so happy!!!! 😄😄 I'll probably take a couple of days off from writing, just to recharge my brain, but after that, I'll FINALLY start writing the first draft of Chapter Two! I'm nervous and excited but, most of all, eager to get scenes I've had for years in my head finally onto paper. Make them a reality.

Have a fantastic start to the week! 🌹


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