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What a week!

The editing and coding have been going extremely well!!!! Maybe I underestimated my past self, or my standards suddenly dropped, but I find that I don't have to edit and change that much after all. I've been having so much fun reading all the different paths and choices that sometimes I forget I'm supposed to be analyzing them with a critical eye 😄.

But distractions aside, I made great progress. There are only 23 pages left for me to edit and code before I'm done with the chapter. Part of me wants to keep going, but my brain is all mush, and I think I'd just make a bunch of mistakes, so I'll stop here for the week. But I'm almost there!

Yesterday I had a mini heart attack when CSIDE — the program I use to code — suddenly crashed, and my God, the file I was working on was wiped clean. 😭😭 Nothing was there. Nothing. I always save my progress at the end of each writing session, both via email and a pen, so I was able to recover everything from the day before. I lost about 2 hours of work, but it certainly beat losing weeks of it!

I guess this is a reminder to you all: back everything up. Computers can turn your world upside down in a matter of seconds.

But, anyway, scares aside, that's it!!!! I'm almost done. I'll announce when I am — and probably post the new link on the 23rd!

I'm kinda tired of this chapter if I'm honest. I've been eying my notebook, and my fingers have been itching to reach for the pen. I miss writing already and I really want to get to Chapter 2, where the games begin.

Have a fantastic weekend! The weather here cannot decide whether it wants to brighten or darken the days, so I'm walking in a perpetual limbo between rain and sun. Spring is certainly coming. 🌹


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