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You give her a cheeky grin. "Cheap? Now, you've done it. You've cut deep, my fair Alessa. You did," you say, a dramatic hand on your chest, a desperate air to your eyes. "I don't know if I can ever recover. Cheap? Truly?"

Alessa's fingers on your chin clench, and you grimace when she pulls you in, your grin growing twofold. "You are a fool," she accuses you, trying and utterly failing to keep her voice cold. 

You lean closer still, brushing your lips with hers. "But I recall you calling my lips sweet, do I not? Was it a cheap kind of cheap? Did I misinterpret everything you—" 

Alessa shuts you up by pulling you in. You jerk, not expecting it, but soon give in to the dance of her lips, soft and rolling. Alessa kisses you, nails digging into your skin, and you can sense she's holding back. You're about to give her a reason not to when, just as suddenly, her hand pushes you away. 

"Too sweet, I said," Alessa says in a strangled voice. Her freckles are bathed in red, her hands crossed tight on her chest, and her tone carries once again the chill of the deepest winter. "Do not inflate yourself."

You grin. "Already inflated, gorgeous."



Aaaaaaah! This feels so in character for my MC Diago 🥰😍 I can't wait to read this!


Ah my fave type of MC to pair Alessa with:)) i can't wait for the demo