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3k words!

It's not the most impressive wordcount, but it's a small victory I'll willingly take nonetheless. Today I had a really good writing session, especially since this last branch of choices wasn't in the first sketch at all — it was completely new material which, naturally, takes me more time and effort to write.

But I finished the first big variation of scene 5!!! 🥳 It is done!! The goal for next week is to finish writing the second variation and make good headway into the third — the last one of the chapter.

The beginning of this week was a bit rough, writing-wise. I didn't have a lot of time to sit down and pour the words into the keyboard. As you can imagine, my priority was my mother. However, she's getting stronger and better every day! We also met with a specialist who finally (FINALLY) seems to know what to do, so I'm feeling really optimistic.

So much so that yesterday and today I fell back into my writing routine. While I'm not as far as I would have liked (as I predicted before the unfortunate events of last week) but I'm not that far off.

I talked a little about the relationship variations and how much they can add to a playthrough. I really can't wait for you to explore them — especially with the help of the DashingDon save system. I'm so looking forward to reading all the feedback! 😋

And thus we reach the end of my report. The scroll is shorter this week, but the words within are indefinitely brighter. Here I was, longing for rain for so long, but right now, all I want is to bask in a warm ray of sunshine.

Have a great weekend! I'm sure I'll be back soon with some silly post but, until then, may the sun shine warm upon your face. 🌹



Ahh, it is always good to see that your skies are brighter than before. Tis a good feeling for all, I must say, and say I shall! Honestly, the progress you've made is still shining on, regardless of how much or little you've managed to strike the keyboard. I eagerly await any and all words you've written thus far, yet I know I must wait until you are ready to share. But again, I must reiterate, it is always wonderful to hear good news. It is good that your mother is regaining her strength, and it is even better that you've managed to speak with someone who is competent in their field. You've got this pair of eyes, and one heavy southern accented man reading and supporting your progress, once again, in whatever you do. And regarding my previous comment, you deserve praise. You've earned it and more, in my humble eyes. Take care, would you? And remember, you've always got my support. -V


Thank you so much for working hard and sharing your work with all of us. I know my words in appreciation are not enough to express how much I was delighted while playing the game, but I really want you to know that your work, the Gold Rose series, is a full of amusement and joy. The richness and the depth of story got me excited and I couldn't help but got attached to all of your characters. And Hadrian, of course, has become my ideal type too 😂 the most perfect, ideal male character I've ever met so far.