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Would you entertain me but for a brief moment?

Of the five routes of Chapter 4, which one is your favorite? I'd love to get a general sense of what people liked more and what didn't quite click. 



This was legitimately such a difficult question to answer. There are pieces of each route that stuck with me (and still stick with me) far past the final word. When your lovely author has such a gift for evocative imagery, how can one choose when the scenes still play in the back of my mind? I gave it to the Marketplace, but it was a very, very close thing. There are few moments in the chapter that hit me more than meeting the clairvoyant and being denounced as a liar before a crowd. That scene felt more claustrophobic than a cage and felt like I as the character was being hunted even though there was no chase scene. Perhaps it is just the fear of being known, that your thoughts and your soul are not private that stuck so close to me, but it is a scene that will stay with me forever.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, it's definitely interesting to know the scene with the monk affected you like that! It was a blast to write, that's for sure. You're a darling, Ash^^


I loved the cathedral, though I'm heavily biased, because it featured my faves Hadrian and the Bard. My least favorite was probably Devil's Bridge—Maybe I'm just dumb, but I spent that entire section having No Clue what was going on. It was just very exposition-heavy and I didn’t quite understand most of it. 😅


I can’t believe the Devil’s Bridge is so unpopular… maybe the heathen jumped outta me for a sec…


The Bridge is doing way better than I thought! I honestly expect it to be the least popular, but it seems nothing can beat the gates in that regard xD Good to know the odd, owl-like woman has some fans