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How time flies by...

I can't believe a week has passed since my last progress report, but the calendar tells me that it has, and who am I to challenge it? This week was so good! So good, and I am so, so close to finishing the first draft! I think I'm only 5 to 10 notebook pages away from its end.

The entire last scene is in my head like a perfect picture - but as vivid as that image is, and the sounds and the emotions, it's been... frustrating bringing it into paper.

I can't quite get it the way I imagined it, and when it seems like I do, the scene lacks the coiled, taut, blood-thumping, ears ringing, lips curling type of tension that you're supposed to be feeling. It's hard to try and put you at the edge of your seat using only words, but that's what I want the last scene of the first chapter to be.

Which, coincidentally, isn't scene four as I said, but scene five because I had so much fun with what was supposed to be a small passage that I stretch it and deepened it, and now it's an entire whole scene on its own. So chapter one isn't made of four big scenes, but five - and that's why I didn't finish the first draft like I was planning to. The chapter... grew on me xD But I think it's definitely worth it.

The goal for next week? FINISH THE FIRST DRAFT. That's it. That's all I need to do.

I'll talk more about it in the (very happy) announcement post.

I hope your week was one you can look back and smile to, and may your weekend relieve whatever stress you might have dealt with. 🌹



Don't wanna sound weird, but I just love reading about your work progress ! You seem so happy sharing it with us and it's a warm feeling seeing someone enjoying their writing process (or hobbies in a general meaning) so thank you for making me smile and please keep loving what you do !! Have a nice day 🤗