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How many of you remember the old sketch this is based on? Or at least the guy on it? He is a character I created in 2005 when I joined the old Y!Gallery.

He was some kind of adventurer who always ended tentacle raped. Since I never decided on a name for him, I simply named the series of sketches "Just a raped guy", because that was pretty much it.

This is a color version of the first sketch I did of him. The original is very special to me because of that, and it's probably the one drawing I would keep if I had to pick only one.

I have plans for him in the future. Stay tuned! 




I always loved this guy and glad you have new plans for him. Hehehee..without the voice bubble he looks like he knows what is going to happen and make up his mind not to fight back. Great Job!!

bob hope

Loved these and I'm glad they're getting a bit of a remaster =)


A character created solely to satisfy our perverted pleasure. :3

Hank McCoy

I always assumed JARG is the same dude or the basis for your Maxx character at Daz.