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Some of you who have been around since the days of the old Y!Gallery may remember an original character I started posting randomly since 2005. He was a young, head-shaved, naive adventurer who always ended in sticky tentacle situations. I never gave him a name, he was simply the "just a raped guy" series of studies and sketches.

I've been thinking about ways to bring him back officially since years ago. Being short comics or a visual novel. I just don't have the writing skills to put everything together yet.

Someone asked me about him recently and I thought it was cool that someone remember him, because he is a very important character to me.

So I went ahead and searched the old random sketches that I knew I had somewhere. And look what I found! All the old stuff I did since 15 years ago. There is my original character studies, the unfinished Hellboy comic, which surprisingly has many pages I forgot were ready, and all the random stuff I did back then.

I'm thinking about scanning and retouching stuff just for nostalgia. I don't think I will be finishing the old Hellboy comic, but at least I think I can put everything available in better quality as some kind of behind the scenes or something and finally give it a closure (being left unfinished haunts me constantly).

The "guy" sketches may get the same treatment and give you an idea of what plans I have for the character.

Most of the stuff looks very outdated now and I used to work on much smaller sizes then, but I think it will be at least fun to rediscover some of the stuff in there. 


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Andrew Whelan

Do you animate? Could always use a main character in my game ;D

bob hope

I remember that series, haha. He was milked a lot haha. (Was hoping Conan would share the same fate haha)


Oh how I remember so many of them Looking forward to what you didn't get around to sharing of the Hellboy comic. I just felt he and the monster enjoyed being together forver.


There are some characters in that sketchbook that never showed up in your gallery, including some variations of Hellboy! Will we see that older macho guy with a belly?


So many different scenes and characters. A whole lot of new and familiar faces.

Hank McCoy

You should scan and repost them during the month as added content. Most of the scans that I have of those are of very poor quality or low resolution.


I wondered what happened to all that stuff!