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Happy New Year! 2022 has begun, but before we plunge ahead into another year of depraved furry art, let's put a bow on all the depraved furry art of yesteryear. I thusly bequeath unto you this Big Chonky Download of all the art I posted in 2021.

And while we're at it: the December roundup, too.

As always I thank you for lending me your support! No matter if you're a new pledge or if you've been here for years, every little bit adds up, and I'm immensely grateful for your generosity. Thank you!



Ivan Zugasti

I really appreciate that you put the whole year. Just incase I miss something. Keep drawing and you'll always have me as a supporter. (Even after you stop which I hope doesn't happen. At least not anytime soon) Thank you for everything

phil norman

As per usual, you rule, Sigma 10….. Have a tops 2022, mate.