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Word count at start of week: 34,439

Word count at end of week: 37,695

+3256 words.

A somewhat frustrating week for writing - it went really well on a few days, and not so much on others, with work getting in the way.

Completed the 2nd half of the encounter with the transformed victim in the basement, and began a new scene with Katherine, Jonathon and Crystal determining David's fate - some new revelations, some minor world-building, hopefully a few surprises.

At the current rate, by the end of next week the Interlude will hit 40k words - half the length of the typical novel, apparently.  Clearly, it's gotten a little out of hand though when I read back over it, I'm not sure what I'd want to cut.  Any suggestions? 

There remains a few more scenes to write before calling the Interlude done:

--> visiting Mal, the man David took down in the diner

--> a final scene with Chad

--> David being told that Cindy isn't going away anytime soon and his reaction to this

--> Some offered help to ease those future months

--> A scene of possible fanservice

--> A pair of surprise--twists?--at the end.



Hmmm all six beats seem needed so cutting is gunna be hard. I'll not even try to tell you what to do but good luck and looking forward to it.


I agree with Julia. I get that you are comparing Constant to a novel (or set of novels) but the limitations of that format may not be relevant here... After all the length of a novel is probably historically determined by how many pages its possible/profitable to bind into a single volume (I made that up but it sounds about right to me... :) ) If the story is gripping, people will keep reading - and Constant is definitely keeping my attention!

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

Fair enough! My fear, I guess - and it's a constant one that pops up every now and then - is that poeple'll just find it terrible -boring-... overly wordy, ponderous, or pretentious. Ultimately I'm writing because, well, I enjoy writing and I've got a story I want to tell, but conversely... I also want people to read it. And judging by the number of hits stories on FM gather, shorter stories gather more hits. At this point, Constant is probably approaching--or well past!--about 200k words in length, so that boat sailed a decade ago, but still... it feels important to keep it pacy.