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Start of week: 30,787

End of Week: 34, 375

+3588 words

Not a bad week for writing.  Word count hides the fact there was a fair bit of editing in there.  Some bits trimmed away, a few tweaks here and there, and some interstitial stuff to tie the chapter together.  At this point I'm thinking the Interlude is likely to be about 40k words in total, split between three chapters or parts.  I'm considering organising it along the lines of the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance--to reflect David's own journey through the interlude, coming out the other side in a very different state. With a few twists in mind, of course.  I've really come around to seeing the interlude as a major pivot for the overall story, much more so than I'd anticipated when I started writing it. I guess that explains why it's exploded in length...!


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