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Or rather, how long is too long for a chapter?

As the current chapter (Interlude 2) approaches 20k words--about the quarter of the average length of a full novel--I have to ask if, perhaps, I'm overdoing it a bit?

The genre is one that lends itself to excess--all those loving descriptions of clothes, the repetition of adjectives to highlight the sense of humiliation or shame, scenes of dressing up or makeup, etc--but still... when does it tip over from "titillating" to "too much"?

King argues in "On Writing" that an important early lesson he learned as a writer was from some early, brutal feedback that taught him "2nd draft = 1st draft - 10%" and I suspect he's absolutely spot on.  He insists his success rate with publishes improved dramatically after he took the formula on board.

And yet there's so much more I want to squeeze into the chapter: a second round of therapy; an encounter in the hospital bar; an important encounter with an enemy--written in the 3rd person perspective enable by the interlude chapter.  All of which would bring the chapter up to an easy 25k words, at least.

Skimming through the stuff on FM, there seems a definite bias towards shorter works (even if part of a much longer whole).  At a glance, it -seems- (I could be wrong here) that 5k word posts get a lot more attention than 10-20kword pieces.  It's not surprising--personally, I'm not a huge fan of reading off the screen, and if I'm looking at stuff on FM, I'm probably going to pick shorter pieces as well.  

And so: should I be looking to seriously trim back the writing, taking it easier on the heavy prose and descriptive flourishes?  At the very least, should I look at breaking down/posting this stuff in more digestible chunks?  What are people's view on this?

(I suppose, from a Patreon point of view, small and more frequent is a better model for maintaining a steady output, rather than weeks of almost nothing followed by quarter-novel length deluges.)

Any thoughts or preferences?




I have to agree with Asklepios regarding both we're commited readers and being happy your're able to write again.


I'd just like to echo Asklepios, Bob and Carmons in that rather than editing stuff into the rubbish bin, I'd rather edits to be saved for the next chapter or part thereof. I get Kings point and yes there are times that less is more, but given the genre is about dwelling on the fan service of humiliation and visual details I'd suggest those parts should be the last to be trimmed. I'm certain that from a commercial point of view Kings advice is gold plated valuable advice, just not sure it applies to what is in essence a labour of love rather than a saleable product. As for the readability on FM and elsewhere you're probably right to avoid posting half a novel in one go. 15k words seems to be a good length, maybe 10k if you really wanted to work towards an economy of language. The 5k stories that get attention seem to be pretty standard boiler plate one handed fap sessions, (not that there's anything wrong with that) but the more fleshed out great quality offering like yours, need a bit more size to contain the substantive engagement they offer.