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Slightly better than the previous week:

+1292 words.  Not great, but an improvement.  Two weeks of illness also left a work backlog to catch up on, but that's nearly done, and I managed to squeeze in a bit of writing.  Went surprising well, actually, as I shifted to a different scene.  Chapter 5 ended with the 'cliffhanger' of Agent K waiting for David in his room at the Clinic.  At first I'd considered dropping that and rewriting that ending, which is why I started the interlude with her reviewing the footage from the cafe. But I started writing out that inital encounter, and it works, I think.  There some great tension to explore there, especially if I remove her scene by the bed in chapter 1.  She's betrayed him, but also kept him alive; she is drawn to him and intensely dislikes him; and he knows all this but for the first time we get to see it from an outside perspective. 

I've also done a bit more tinkering with AI-writing and Sea of Wonder, which helped keep the creative flame alive while ill.  So hopefully I'll have more of that to share in the near future, too.

Take care!



Can't wait to see it.