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Start of week: 16,491

End of week: 21,091

Change: +4,600

Year to date: 97,045

A solid week for writing, though not an easy one. Real world demands made it difficult to get private time for writing. But generally, I'm pleased with the progress. Revised and expanded some earlier bits in the chapter, and got David and Julia out to the bars on a Saturday night together, with the explicit aim of picking up a guy for Cindy.

The other big thing this week was to finally get to share some of Fraylin's fan art. It's brilliant stuff, and a real thrill having someone inspired enough by something I've written to create such wonderful pieces. Sometimes, I still find myself surprised that anyone actually reads my stuff, you know?

Fraylim's art's brought some extra attention to the Patreon, so it's due time I tidy it up a bit. Starting next week, I'm going to start deleting old posts and closing down a few unused catagories--baring any protest? I'm also going to start posting all the completed chapters of Constant here, organised so they're easier to find. I'll disable notifications so as to avoid flooding anyone's mailbox, and do it slowly so that it doesn't fill up the patreon feed. But it'd be nice to have a repository of the most up-to-date version of the story to date, in an easy to access location.

I've also started plotting out a short-length story to write on the side. I'm a couple of chapters in (outline only!) and got the characters mostly sorted out, so once I've got chapter 3 finished, I'm hoping to give a little time and effort over to that. I'm estimating about 20-25k words in length, a fun little romp of unwitting disguise and transformation.


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