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The way Fraylim's interpreted the outfit Cindy's wearing here is fantastic, but it's the way they capture the expression on David's face that I love here. Below are extracts from the chapter that detail the clothes. The artist asked if I used any specific models for Cindy. I don't, but at around this point I started to collect a pinterest board for inspiration--this outfit may have come from that, though I can't quite remember. Quite possibly it was pure imagination, and therefore a relief that it came out looking this good - it's very easy to get carried away with descriptive prose and end up describing something that wouldn't work in the real world.

From Book 2, Chapter 6

Two women faced each other across the table.  The first, very pretty and dressed to accentuate her youth, presented as fashionably vivid in contrast to the subdued room and the other woman opposite.  She slouched in her chair, legs crossed at the knees, hugging herself against the chill of the room.  Painted fingernails clicked against the chair armrest.


Crystal indicated the girl’s footwear.  “For instance, can you explain why you chose to wear heels today?”  She leaned a little closer and offered a reassuring smile.  “They’re very pretty.  Very colourful.”

            Cindy expression wavered; something resembling anger smouldered in eyes already smoky with heavy mascara, eyeliner and shadow; but then she smiled with something like relief.  As if a switch flipped, she slid easily into her answer.  “Thanks!  I wasn’t sure, you know?  But I saw them there in the wardrobe of clothes the Clinic provided – and I mean, like wow, how’d they get my size right for everything?”  She rubbed her hands down the length of one long leg, the skin luminous with youthful vigor and body shimmer lotion.  Fingers danced along the boots, curling gracefully around the chunky heel.  Sequins sparkled in the light.  “But I don’t know.  Like, sure, the flats were tempting but I guess I wanted to feel a little taller today?  I like feeling tall.  And I saw the boots and went from there?”

            A little moue of concentration, pinked pursed lips and wrinkled nose, again, and she shrugged.  “I read an article about Sin-DI this morning?  And she looked pretty and cool and had shoes kinda like these, and so I tried to copy the look a bit?  Maybe?”  Cindy stretched out her legs, recrossed as the ankles, faux leather shorts squeaking with the movement.  “Is it too much?”


The first image, the influence on the day’s outfit, was relatively tame, at least in comparison to the others: trendy girl dressed for a night out, though skewing uncomfortably towards jail-bait sensuality in its school-girl aesthetics, highlighted by the pigtails and sparkly pink makeup.  Glossy lips curved in an open smile, and one hand daintily held a Champagne flute, its edges tinted pink with lipstick.  With one leg foot-popping up behind in bubbly joy, she gazed adoringly towards the screen—from which a heavy shadow stretched towards her.  Angle and framing gave the shadow a distinctly male caste, made it imposing, threatening; and in doing so positioned the viewer within the male gaze.


“And yet,” Crystal said, “you drew on her for your own look.”

            Suddenly a little sheepish, Cindy nodded.  “Sure, she inspired what I’m wearing today, but I think this is my limit.”  Cindy rubbed her hands up and down supple, exposed legs.  “It already feels like I’m barely wearing anything.”

            “Does that bother you?” Crystal asked, blanking the tablet screen.

            Cindy seemed to consider this for a moment.  “Maybe?”

            “What do you mean?”

            “I feel exposed.  I feel watched.  And that makes me… uncomfortable.  These clothes,” and here she plucked at the high neckline of her clingy mesh top, “they’re designed to draw attention, right?  Like, the whole point of this thing is to see the bra under it right?  You know, just in case people forgot I had tits.  And the bra pushed these puppies up on display.”  Cupping her breasts, she gave them a little push upwards. “And because its so goddam cold in here, even my nipples poke through, right?"


            “Yes,” Crystal urged.  “What are you?”

            Her jaw clenched; she sneered; then deflated and sagged.  “A girl,” she answered.  “Just—a girl.”  Her hand fluttered in indistinct circles, fingernails flashing in the light.  “And this, all this, I guess, it’s what’s normal and expected of—a girl like me.”

            “And what kind of a girl are you?”

            “I’m….”  A deep breath, an inarticulate groan, and she retreated deeper in the chair, pulling her legs up and hugging them close. “For fuck’s sake, I dunno, doc.  I’ll tell you what I’m not.  I’m not normal.  I feel like a pervert, a freak, most days, like everyone’s looking at me with pitchforks and torches hidden behind their backs.  When they smile or laugh, I wonder: do they know?  Are they laughing at me?”  She blew a frustrated breath out her nose.  “Does any of that strike you as normal?”


            “No, you listen,” he said.  “You ever wear a pair of shorts like this?” He patted one flank, drawing the doctor’s attention to the pair of high-waisted, faux-leather shorts.  “I’m gonna guess ‘no’.  They’re tight, Scooter.  Really tight.  And other than stripping for the nurse an hour ago, I’ve had them on all day.  My cock’s strapped so far back I could piss out my ass, and my balls are swimming around somewhere in my belly and I’m fucking exhausted, okay?”  He tugged his shirt on over his bra, surreptitiously rearranging his breasts as he did so.  “So, yeah, I’m uncomfortable.  I’m tired.  And frankly, I’m getting angry, here."
