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Word Count: unchanged.

So, by the traditional metric (word count) it's been an unproductive week. This is a bit misleading: in the past week I've managed to revise all of Book 1 of Constant in All Other Things (the first ten chapters) and get it up onto TGStory, where it seems to have been well received. There were many edits along the way, cleaning up inconsistencies (especially with names) but also expanding some key scenes - for example, the evening David witnessed the murder, specifically the way he infiltrated the building, reached Amanda and the moment between them. I'd say there's probably a couple thousand words of new texts scattered across the different chapters, as well as some trimming.

I'm really keen to get back to writing Chapter 6. However, I also want to capitalise on the publication of Book 1 by following with the currently available chapters. Therefore, I've also started tidying up the beginning of Book 2, namely the Interlude and chapters 1 and 2. I knew it would be a bit of work--I've never been happy with chapter 1, and it wasn't particuarly well received when I first published it--but it's proving more time-consuming than expected.

It's... a bit of a mess. First, great chunks of the Interlude needs to be cut away. Katherine and Scooter canoodling with each other whilst looking down over an operating theatre? What the hell was I thinking? And while I'm salvaging some of the stuff that introduces Crystal, and talks about David's unique physical characteristics, I'm also streamlining it. Ditto for swaths of Chapters 1 and 2, which are getting chopped up a bit and mingled together a bit. I'm considering inserting some fresh material - perhaps developing Sakura's role a bit, or Steele's.

I'm hoping to publish the revised chapters here over the weekend or by Monday. I'll let them sit for a few days before starting to trickle them down to TGStorytime. I don't think chapters 3 or 4 will require nearly as much work, nor 5; I might think about trimming back the second Interlude a bit.

And that's the current state of play. I stated in previous updates that I was also keen to try my hand at some shorter works of fiction, but I think that'll have to wait until chapter 6 is done.

Have a great weekend, everyone!



I reckon you've made a good call here. The first book has garnered a new audience as well as given a re read for the old audience, so It makes sense to work on the edit/directors cut/reboot of Book 2. Given you have developed a good momentum these days with constant output (genuinely not an intended pun BTW) it's a great idea to take some time out from further chapters to clean up the former ones. Not only will it give new readers a reason to come up to date with the new chapters, it will give you as the writer a more recent recall of the story do far. As much as I did like the Interlude as written, there's a fair argument that it bogged down the pacing, so some sizable cutting is warranted, and that's coming from a fan that's regularly spoken in favour of longer cuts in the past. That said, while some cuts will be good, I agree that Sakura, and especially Steele could use some more appearances. I appreciate the need to keep them both a bit enigmatic, but particularly with Steele he's becoming an absentee antagonist. As much as I'm dying to read chapter Six, I'm willing to be patient while you rework the past books.

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

It's proving a lot more difficult than I'd anticipated to wrestle the start of book 2 into shape, but I think I'm almost there. Hoping to post the revised "prelude" to book 2 tomorrow here on the Patreon, with the revised chapter 1 to follow. I think chapters 2 onwards will go a lot easier.