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As mentioned before I am switching the Patreon billing to a monthly system to make things simpler and easier for everyone, including myself.  This will probably mean people have to re-subscribe.  We will have the same 3 tiers as before, but every tier gets more stuff!

Prices will be $5/month for Acolyte, $10/month for Deacon, and $20/month for Bishop.

Previously only Bishop tiers got Work-In-Progress and Spoiler pictures, but starting in 2018 every tier will get that content.  Any character art, development art, WIPs, Dress Ups, will all be available to every patron.  The Bishop tier will still get Behind-The-Scenes pictures which are more technical related and show polygons rather than painted pixels.  Also, the Bishop tier is going to get access to the new content I'm working on that may come in the form of a game or interactive entertainment.  Bishops will get early access to see how that develops.

On a sad note, I am closing commission access for any new patrons going forward as I can't keep up with them because it simply takes too much time. Any current patrons reading this are still on the commission list and will get theirs in time.  Fan requests and ideas are still going to be a big part of the comment sections and you can give feedback there to influence new art/comics/etc plus there will be regular voting as usual.

As we near our first goal of 100 patrons I am preparing 3 comic ideas that will be revealed in the New Year and we can discuss and vote on those to come up with a fun comic that everyone should enjoy.

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year and I look forward to 2018 and all it has to offer us!




Happy New Year and loved everything you have done here so far. I encourage others to comment here or on discord channel so you can help make it even better for 2018.


Private winters 4 the win lol Let’s have a fun 2018


Great news. Can't wait to see even more of your amazing pin-ups and comic pages. 2018 here we come!


Sometimes I forget how sinister your name can be. "Year of the Darklord" sounds like something from a foreboding prophecy


The Daddy's drone lady gonna be a huge star, like Cat, Elise and Monica... Great time to come ;-)


To DL and all Patrons. I would like to see a lot more CK & EI characters on this Patreon Page. Doing what they do best......BBC If you agree please click the heart icon and register here. Or DL, I would like to propose a Poll to ask patrons what percentage of the monthly content will be given over to CK & EI characters Thanks, Penfold. P.S. Talking of CK & EI....What the fuck is going on with the J.Persons site. Only 3,CK pages last month an no EI since October 1st......... F...ing Joker


You can prefer or ask for whatever content you want, but don't call someone a f...ing joker for it. That's mad entitled. Also does there have to be a separate poll specifically for that? Can't it just come up in the regular polls?


Hallelujah you have seen light.


I am also supporting DL in that move!


Me to miss EI alot.