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Authors note: Between Milo and female MC. Set in an undetermined time

The scent of beer and sweat filled the heady air around me as I entered the small tavern. It was a literal hole in the wall, located at the bottom of a hot spring where leaky pipes made the passage way down muggy and nearly unbreathable. So of course this was Milo’s favorite spot. Because why wouldn’t it be.

The tavern itself was dimly lit with small geysers placed around. My tunic was already damp and sticking against my skin. I spotted Milo sitting at the end of the bar, on top of the literal bar top. He had a mug of ale in his hand and was having a lively discussion with some woman who looked as if she was about to smack the ale from his hand just to wipe the smile off his face. I couldn’t say that I didn’t understand the sentiment.

“Hey, darlin’,” he drawled as I stepped up. He scooted closer to the edge of the bar, wrapping one arm around me and spreading his legs to pull me between them. He gave me a sloppy kiss, his tongue tasting of stale ale. His curls were damp and sticking to his neck.  “Isn’t this place great?” his smile was lopsided and loose.  Milo was happy tonight. A rarity given the weight on his shoulders.

“Don’t you dare tell him it is,” the woman behind me stated. Twisting in his hold, I eyed her curiously. She had a stern look to her, but her eyes were lit with amusement. “He is trying to weasel out of his share of upgrades.”

I frowned. “You own this place?” I asked

“Gods no,” he laughed. “But I have a special interest in keeping it open so I may have pledged some start up money.”

“Five years ago,” the woman said.

“I’ve been busy, Rooke. Come on now.”

The woman, Rooke, shook her head, holding a dismissive hand up to him. “I’m done with you, Next. Get me the money by tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“You won’t drink for free if you don’t.”

That seemed to sober him a bit as she walked away. But, he turned to me, any of his worries instantly sliding away as his eyes raked over my form. “Want to save me from getting too drunk and have the rest of my beer?” he asked.

“Sure,” I told him. I yelped a little as he hopped down off the bar, plopping himself onto the stool and pulling me to half stand and half sit between his legs.  It gave me ample view of the show going on behind the bar itself, men and women tossing drinks into the air and flicking their wrists to shape the liquid into different shapes. Some of which were vaguely filthy.

“What are they doing?”

Milo’s hand was on my thigh, kneading the muscle there. “It’s kind of an entertainment bar. Moderately fun to watch but incredibly impressive when you are drunk. Which, most people are. So enraptured are most of these fine patrons that they will let even the most obvious of things slide.”

His fingers slowly started pulling up my skirt, bypassing the knife I kept sheathed on my thigh to wander between the apex of my legs.  Looking over my shoulder, I shot him a look. One he returned with a raised brow. “You’re playing with fire, Next.”

“I’m playing with you,” he corrected.

Behind the bar, a glass was tossed into the air, hovering for a moment before bursting into flame, the liquid within becoming a vibrant green.  Milo’s lips fell upon the apex of my shoulder then, beginning to mouth his way upwards to nose along the shell of my ear.

“Missed you,” he muttered.

“You saw me yesterday morning.”

“Others were around. Couldn’t really get my hands on you like I wanted.”

I took in a shuddering breath as his knuckles brushed against my center, the cloth there heated and slightly damp. I pressed my thighs together, trapping his wandering fingers. “And how is that?”

I felt his laughter rumble through his chest, running up and down my spine. “Would you like me to tell you?”

I was entering that territory with Milo. That one that said he held a secret that I did not. And like most things with him, I opted to tumble forth, trusting that he would see me through to wherever this would go.  “Yes,” I breathed.

Suddenly, I was cinched up against the counter, Milo shimmying so as to block me from sight. To the rest of the world, we looked like two lovers, curled up close, watching the show, but I could feel the way he twitched beneath me as his fingers began wandering beneath the fabric of my wraps.

“Do you know how hard it is to see you wandering around like you do? All I want to do right now is bend you over this counter and push into you.” His fingers parted my wet lips, thumb swiping up and down my clit.  “First though, I’d get you all prepared. Kneel behind you and lick you open. Get you all loose and sloppy.”

My breath hitched, my fingers coming up to grip the edge of the counter.

“Would you like that, darlin’? Skirts rucked up over your hips and me kneeling between your thighs?” Slowly, he began circling my opening, dipping the tip of his finger inside.  “I wonder, would you squirm against me or would you stay still and let me get you off like that. If I reached up and undid your bodice, would you play with your tits for me?”

“Keep dreaming,” I gasped, trying to keep my eyes front and center. I could feel my cheeks heat and my lower half began to squirm. I could feel him though. Right in the crease of my ass. He was hot and warm and achingly hard beneath me.

“Oh, darlin’. You are literally what makes up my dreams,” he said, sucking a bruise just below my ear. “Thinking about sliding my cock into you, pushing in and out and feeling you squeeze me. I wake up hard at night just thinkin’ of you. The way your face looks right as you’re about to cum. Think we could get you to do that now?” Before I could answer he slid his finger all the way inside, crooking it slightly as he began to pump it in and out, his thumb swirling over my clit.

My eyes fluttered closed as I dipped my head downwards, trying to control my breathing.

“Oh, no, darlin’, keep those eyes up. Wouldn’t want anyone to become suspicious.” I tipped my head back upwards, pressing my back to his chest. “Good girl,” he whispered.

“Milo,” I gasped.

“What’s wrong?” I could feel his grin. “No ones watching. Just keep those beautiful eyes of yours forward and let me take care of you, yeah?” He added another finger, causing me to stifle my groan. “Now, where was I? Oh yeah,” he thrust his hips against me, rolling them and pressing me close with his free hand. It splayed low across my belly, keeping me still as he ground against me. “The things I wish I could do to you right now,” he said, sweat beading on his face as he continued to suck at my neck. “I want to mark you. I want your scent on my hand so everyone knows I’m yours. Want to feel you flutter around me and fuck you through it.”

My body ached, my thighs tensing as he swirled his thumb against me. I widened my thighs, trying to give him more access. Desperate for him to fuck me harder. At this point, I didn’t think I cared if he unzipped right here and brought me off. I was so desperate for release that I would have taken anything.

“You want my cock, darlin’?” he whispered against me. Two seats down, a woman and her partner sat, giggling in each other's ear as they watched the show behind the bar. Little did they know of the show that was happening right there. “Want me to sit you on my lap and have you keep me warm all night?” He licked the sweat from my skin. “Or, you want me to take you around back. Pull you into the alley and fuck you up against the wall until you're screaming my name?” I was panting now, unable to control my breathing as he fingered me with deep and steady strokes, flicking at my clit with his thumbnail and whispering dirty things in my ear.

“Want to cum?” he asked innocently. I nodded my head. It took everything in me not to tip it back and moan out my release. “Gonna need you to say it then,” he told me. “I’m going to need you to say, Milo baby, I need to fuck myself on your hand until I am nothing more than a moaning mess in your palm.”

“Fuck you,” I gritted out.

“We’ll get the strap on out later. Now say it.” He bit at my neck.

“Milo, baby. I need you to finish what you started or else I won’t let you near me for the next week.”

“Mean,” he pouted. “But affective.”

Pushing me flat against the bar top, he shifted to get a better angle. “Act like you are reaching for those napkins.” I did as I was told, reaching out and stretching my body somewhat inconspicuously across the bar while he fucked me hard.  My eyes rolled back in my head and just as the bartender finished their show, I felt a flood of release course through me, sending me shivering just as I curled my fingers tightly around the napkins.

Milo pulled me back and straightened my skirt immediately, twisting me so I could now rest against his chest.

“You okay?” he whispered as my heart rate came down. “Too much?” His hand stroked across my hair, walking down my spine as he kept me close.

“When you asked me if I was okay with PDA, I didn’t exactly know you meant this?” I mumbled. I could feel him stiffen a bit and I reached down, palming his erection. “You’re good,” I told him. “I would have stopped you if I really felt uncomfortable.”  Immediately, he relaxed.

“Want to get out of here?” he whispered, tipping my chin up so he could kiss me softly.

“No, I want the drink you promised me.”

He laughed against my lips. “Anything for you, darlin’. Anything.”


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