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Q&A questions:

What can we expect for Bella’s route?

Book 2 is going to be an interesting point for Bella. Most of book 1 was spent with her playing a lot of things close to chest as she continued to plan her revenge on Kavatti and take what she believed was her rightful position. But, like with many things, the grass is always greener. We will be seeing Belladonna struggling with Baronhood and the rules and limitations that are applied to her now that she is within this position. While she was once a woman who prided herself on discovering the secrets of the market and knowing what others did not, it is doubtful that she will be able to extract that information like she had before.  This leaves Belladonna at far more of a disadvantage than she has been in a long time. It will be an exploration into how she is going to deal with that and a romanced MC will have a bit more access to those conversations than one who is not.

Do different types of blood taste different? Like human blood vs orc blood?

Yes. The vampires within the Night Market are very few at this point and are very limited on where they can hunt. Something we will also be seeing in book 2.  But, the ‘wine’ trade among the upper echelon of vamps, includes varying types of blood that are bottled for parties. It is part of what Belladonna offers at some of her blood bars that she owns.

Can a celestial be turned into a vampire?

A true celestial can but would be cast from the Knowing immediately for the perversion. The likelihood of them not going mad is very slim and they most likely would not survive. A Fallen that has already begun to battle the madness might be able to survive the transformation. But, it really does depend on how much they still believe in the Knowing. Vampires are considered dirty to the Knowing. They are creatures that are foul, unclean, and tainted.  So, a celestial, fallen or not, is going to have to dismantle that. Otherwise, they probably will not survive.

How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?

Hazel I think is vulnerable rather quickly. I think there are plenty of moments where we have seen that within the first book. She does not necessarily have a hold up about showing vulnerability to those she trusts. She is someone that just needs assurance when she is in that state.

Gabriel struggles to be vulnerable around anyone, even a s/o. It takes a lot of emotional turmoil, fear, and heavy emotions to come down for him to essentially break and become vulnerable. I’m not sure if he is a person who will ever choose to be vulnerable but he when it does happen, he needs someone to talk him down. I think Gabriel is someone that can work himself up further and further unless guided back down to a safe and loving space.

Belladonna is also not someone who likes being vulnerable around anyone. It is a weakness and a callback to her human life. While she does not need to ‘break’ in order to be vulnerable, she will be incredibly embarrassed and irritated by her vulnerability. It is something she does not like within herself. An MC that assures her that she is not weak would be needed in those moments.

Milo is not vulnerable with most.  It takes a building of trust and friendship for him to get to that point. And even then, I think his default is to joke about something or even have sex as a deflection. When Milo is truly vulnerable, it is usually brought about my soft touch and getting him to a place where he can feel safe.  Milo has no problems showing his feelings, as long as he feels like it is not going to be thrown back at him.

Malcolm is one I actually do not have an answer to.  I keep thinking I know what his limits are and when he would open up but I am not sure what his vulnerable situation would be. I think that is something we will have to discover in book 2 together. Maybe even book 3.

How easy would it be for MC to sneak up on the ROs and give them a surprise hug or kiss?

An MC who snuck up on Hazel would scare the crap out of her.  I don’t know if the kiss or hug would happen because she would scream in surprise and the MC would have to calm her down because her heart would be racing so much.

It would be extremely hard to sneak up on Gabriel but I do think it is possible. If an MC managed to do it, after an initial startle, Gabriel would melt into them, happily accepting the affection.

Belladonna would hear and smell the MC coming so it would not happen. But she might humor them and pretend to be surprised.

It would be incredibly hard to do to Milo within the market because he is usually very aware of his surroundings. But if it was at home where he was comfortable, probably pretty easy. And he would adore it.

Malcolm is pretty similar, trained to know his surroundings at all times. But he would delight in an MC who was able to sneak up on him and show affection.

Are there other Markets/living realms out there and are any of them connected to the market or are at least aware of them?

So all worlds and realms are connected to the Night Market. It is a nexus point for everything.  Most places are not aware of the Night Market at all. Doors are usually unassuming and would only be made by invitation. But, there are realms out there that do have complete knowledge f the Night Market and how to get there.  Trade between them and the Night Market is far more common.  They are all similar destination points where they are a conglomeration of all the worlds and have a certain amount of magic system implemented so there are not a lot of language barriers between them in order to continue trade.

If each RO had their druthers, what would their happy ending with the MC look like right now?

Hazel’s happy ending would be the MC and her together at the apothecary, running a farm and the shop together.  Hazel would love to have animals there and raise more crops. Basically, having someone who will work with her and work hard and enjoy it just as much as her.  Starting a life with that person is Hazel’s happy ending. She would love nothing more than to live something more simplistic and purposeful while having Milo and Malcolm over for family dinners and game nights.

Gabriel’s happy ending would be having the MC back in his arms and for the entire revelation about MC being the Night Market, to have never happened. He would love nothing more than to have MC back, take some time off, and go on a vacation together where MC could berate him into self-care and he could in return, showing MC with love and affection.

Belladonna actually does not dream about happy endings. To do so in dangerous and I do think she stops herself. The only thing she has ever thought about that I do not think she would tell anyone, is that she would really love to have a night with the MC where the two of them lay naked and lazy in front of the fire, reading to each other.

Milo’s happy ending would be for all of this to have been a dream. For him to wake up and the MC is there and just tells him it was one of his nightmares. He would then just hold them. Whispering into their skin the horrors of what he saw and how scared and lonely it all felt.  And then having the MC hold him the entire time before suggesting they go find Ever and Malcolm and all of them go get some noodles together.

Malcolm’s happy ending would be for MC to be back, to be at full power, and realize their potential. Working with the MC, bringing balance to their life and world and existing within each other's circles in this incredibly supportive and caring way.  He would want a family with the MC and he would want to know that what they were doing had purpose and they were both living to their potential.

Will we be able to learn about the Night Market pasts incarnations?

I really really hope so! I have no plans for it right now but I have always wanted to explore what those incarnations might look like. I think it would be interesting to see when the Night Market decided to walk their streets and what problem they were trying to solve at the time. Because the Night Market does only come down when they are absolutely needed. When a solution cannot arise without them.  Knowing what those previous times might have been would not only offer insight into the character of the Night Market as a whole, but I think explain so much about the society that lives there.

Spicy Questions Next:

On a scale of 0 to Leather&Whips where do the ROs fall? Or could fall, given the right circumstances?

Hazel: About a 2. She falls more on the food kink variety and maybe some soft blindfolding for her partner with some sensory play. Hazel would very much enjoy using magic on the MC to tease them to their limits. It would be all pleasure filled and very little pain play. She would feel far too guilty about that.

Gabriel: He falls on the Leather&Whips. He likes a little bit of pain with his pleasure and he likes it done to him. There is very little pain he would like to enact on the MC but tying him up? Making him reach orgasm. Ordering him around? Yeah, Gabriel is into that. Give him a ball gag and some handcuffs and MC will have a happy Warden on their hands.

Belladonna: 10. To the MC. Not to herself. She will never allow a stranger to do anything to her really and as of yet, I do not think she knows what her limits are in a relationship. But, in relation to what she would do to her partners, it would be far more an exploration of how many times can she get the MC to cum and in how many different ways. Having them shaking and not knowing their own name afterward is her goal.

Milo: MC wants to try something? Hell yeah. But impact play is out. He is into role play, over stimulation, humiliation, praise kink, etc. Milo will pretty much try anything once as long as it does not mean he is getting hit. He gets a little nervous with being tied up but I think that is something he would be interested in working through.

Malcolm: Tantric. Malcolm is big into making his partner wait.  For Malcolm, the foreplay is where it is all at.  This leaves him on a leather and whips scale for sure, as long as his partner wants it. But, as for what is done to him? Malcolm struggles with giving up control in that arena.  He would rather do unto others than have anything done to him.  But, I will say he has plenty of strap on’s to fuck his partners with and does adore watching them be spread open for him.

Can you give us something spicy about Gabe's route what to expect?

I’m not sure how spicy this is, but there is going to have to be some scenes where the MC and Gabriel figure out just how their sex life is going to work. Especially since Gabriel really likes sex, but sees it as something wrong at the same time. There will probably be a bit more of an exploration onto his more sub side in book 2. If MC wishes for him to be more dominate they will have to learn how to speak to him in such a way that orders him to take the more dominate role.  They will also have to dismantle how that is going to make him feel afterward because that is not something Gabriel believes to be morally okay.


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